Chapter Fifty Two - Uncovered

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After the battle, X-49 took a moment to rest. The battle took more out of him than he expected. Thankfully, the damage he sustained during both his fight with the Sphinx and the crash of the Argus Limited were nothing to be concerned about. After a moment of tense silence, Yang becomes frustrated. 

Yang: Great! This is just great! We're stranded, we lost a third of our party, and we've gained a defenseless old lady!

X-49: I understand your frustration, but that is no excuse to take it out on this elderly woman. Apologies, ma'am. We've had a...busy day.

Elderly Woman: No need, sonny. My name is Maria Calavera, and I am not defenseless! I'm just a little hard of hearing. And blind without my eyes, that are in desperate need of repair.

Oscar: Yang, knock it off, will ya? If we lose our cool now, we'll just be inviting even more Grimm.

Blake: Does that even matter? Apparently, we've been attracting Grimm ever since we left Haven.

Yang: Oh, and how could I forget about that? What happened to no more lies and half truths?

Oscar: Yeah, I think it's time we got an explanation...

As Oscar said that, Ozpin took control of his body. Once he does so, he addresses Yang's accusations. 

Ozpin: I did not lie to you...

Weiss: Well you certainly didn't tell us everything about the Relic.

Ozpin: Please, now is not the time.

Yang: No, we're past that! I wanna know why you're still not telling us everything!

Ozpin: It is true that the Grimm are attracted to the Relics. It's faint, but undeniable. I believe it has to do with their origin, but I'm not entirely sure. Regardless, I feared that making you all aware would only add anxiety and negativity. It seemed like the safer option.

Weiss: You know, I'm getting real tired of people choosing what's best for me.

As the group began to split apart, X-49 approached them in an attempt to try and keep them together. Doing so would prove difficult as he didn't know them for very long. Still, he didn't let that stop him from trying.

X-49: Calm down, everyone. The last thing we need is to break apart now.

Yang: Listen X-9, I know you're trying to help. But this isn't okay! Ozpin promised us no more lies and half truths! I don't get why you're siding with Ozpin!

X-49: I am not siding with anyone! What I am saying is that we must remain together. Salem's cabal is put there and Remnant is in danger! Jaune and the others can't be that far. 

Yang: Maybe Ozpin should tell you about what happened with Lionheart and how he chose to lie to everyone about the fact that he sold us out to Salem!

Ozpin: What Professor Lionheart did was reprehensible. I am not here to argue differently, but does one lapse in judgment truly negate all of his good? Do we not all have regrets? You may have met Professor Lionheart, but you never met the man he was before Salem found him.

Yang: Look, we're supposed to be in this together. You can trust us! We're not gonna turn our backs on you.

Ozpin: Do you really think Leo was the first?! That he didn't say those exact same words to me? I'm sorry, but you have to understand that my behaviors are backed by experience. I'm not saying that I have reason to think you will betray me. I'm saying that I have reasons for the things that I do, the secrets I keep, the reason I...Where's the Relic?

Ruby: Right here. It got scattered in the crash.

Ozpin: Please, hand it over.

Ozpin reaches his hand out, but Ruby is hesitant to give him the Relic. 

Ruby: So all those times you talked about having faith in humanity, that was just for everyone else?

Ozpin: That's not what I meant to suggest. Miss Rose, the Relic is a powerful item and I simply feel as though it is my burden to bear.

X-49: No one person should bear such a burden alone. We're all in this together. 

Ozpin: I need you to listen to me--

As Ozpin reaches out, he suddenly is stopped, stuck in his position.

Qrow: Oz?

Oscar: Hurry... he's... trying to stop you!

Yang: Stop her from what?

Oscar: He's afraid... you'll find out what he's... hiding!

Oscar suddenly collapses, causing Yang, Weiss and Blake to become defensive while Ruby clings to the Relic. 

Oscar: Her name is Jinn. Say her name to summon her.

Ruby: Her name?

Suddenly, the wind begins to pick up. Warry of what was happening, X-49 placed his hands on his pistols. At the same time, Lulu began barking. 

Ruby: Jinn?

Suddenly, the wind stops blowing. Everyone becomes confused. Fearing something bad was going to happen, X-49 kept his hand on his pistols, readying himself for any possible fight. Ruby then lets go of the Relic as it floats a short distance away, cyan smoke emanates from it. Suddenly, the lamp is enveloped in the smoke, and from it, a giant, feminine figure emerges. He skin and hair colored blue, and decorated with gold jewelry and ornaments. The figure stretches and moans as she has been awakened. X-49 was in awe at the sight he was seeing. 

Jinn: Wonderful. Tell me, what knowledge do you seek?

In that moment, Jinn had been woken up. Ruby and the others now had a way to learn what Ozpin had been hiding from them. This truth would reveal Salem's origins as well as the true nature of the conflict between Ozpin and Salem. But what they didn't know was that a darker truth would soon be uncovered.  

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