Christmas Presents

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Caregivers : Chan, Minho, Hyunjin, Changbin
Littles : Jeongin (1-2), Jisung (3-4), Seungmin (4-5), Felix (3-4)


It's the 25th and the night before, the babies had been put to bed quite early as they were all in little space and exhausted from all the excitement they had for the morning to come. Of course, they all wake up pretty early, but without a caregiver to watch them, we can never know what the littles can do.

Felix is the first one to get out of bed and he immediately runs towards the living room, where the tall Christmas tree stands, along with the presents disposed under it. The face of the little lights up and the first thing he does is run into his almost twin room to wake him up. Jisung is in deep sleep when Felix starts to shake him by his shoulder, but his eyes shot open when he remembers what day it is. Felix giggles when Jisung finally opens his eyes and the two little excitedly run back into the living room.

Not long after, a tired Seungmin enters, hand locked with Jeongin's. The twins welcome them with happy squeals and start jumping everywhere. Jeongin being too small to actually understand the situation, simply sits down on the floor and watches the two balls of energy jump around. Seungmin being in an older head space tries to calm the boys a little, without really succeeding as he feels as excited as them.

The three then stop and stare at the gifts under the tree. They know they can't open them now, their dadas would be really angry if they do. Although, they could try to guess what is in the boxes and for that, a little shaking is necessary. Under the confused stare of Jeongin, the three other littles start to pick up presents one by one, shaking them generously with their small hands. Half screaming what they thought it was from time to time.

Thus, until a loud "crack" is heard. Felix and Seungmin both turn their heads to glance at Jisung whom is still holding the gift, all of them wearing an horrified look. Feeling something bad happenned, Jeongin slowly starts to sob. Seungmin runs to his side and tries to calm him down before he wakes up the caregivers, but it's too late. Chan soon appears at the entrance of the living room, followed by Minho, then Changbin and finally Hyunjin. They all look exhausted and it's understandable as it is only 7am. Minho speaks up first.

"Jisung, why are you holding a present? You know were not opening them until later"

"Sungie knows"

The little proceeds to put the gift back where he had taken it, an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of his stomach. Maybe, they wouldn't know, maybe it isn't even broken. Chan, already beside his crying baby, tries to understand the situation.

"Hey baby why are you crying?"

He asks softly, holding Jeongin close, but the little being to deep into his head space can't talk. The caregiver then lifts his head up and shots glances at the other littles.

"Care to explain why Jeongin is crying?"

He sounded disappointed, but not angry, which calmed the others a bit.

"He in baby spawce"

Seungmin answers making his way into Hyunjin's arms. Chan looks down at Innie and the younger looks back at him with innocent eyes, since he stopped crying. He nods his head, more for himself then the rest of the members.

"Are you hungry baby?"

Jeongin squeals and his caregiver takes it as a yes. He picks the little up and walks away into the kitchen. Like nothing happened, the littles all find themselves in their respective caregivers arms, laughing and talking loudly. Two or three hours later, the atmosphere changes radically when the time to open the presents finally comes. The babies become quiet, making their dadas concerned since they expected them to jump excitedly everywhere or at least to let out a happy sound, but nothing. They don't even move closer to the gifts. Thinking they're already tired from waking up so early this morning, they bring their littles closer to the tree. The opening time goes surprisingly well, but that's only before the "cracking gift" is chosen by Minho to be distributed.

"This one is for..."

He turns the present around trying to find the name.


He finally exclaims, handing the medium box to the older. Chan takes it, thanking Minho. He starts to open it and Jisung feel his eyes fill with tears. Before the leader can open the box, he let's out a sob. Everybody, surprised, turn their heads at him.

"Hey hey, what is it Sungie?"

Minho asks, worried. He gets closer to the younger and pulls him into a hug.

"I' sowwy"

He almost whispers.

"Why baby? What are you sorry for?"

He sobs even louder.

"Break giwft"

He tries to explain between more cries.

"What did you say Ji?"

Minho asks softly as he is sure nobody understood neither.

"I browke gif"

The room goes silent as if the time stopped, but it didn't and Jisung proceeds to cry harder knowing he would get a punishment. Chan looks at the box in his hands and opens it. He is shook by the present inside... It's beautiful.

"It's not broken Ji"

He says slowly. Jisung shots his head up, still covered in tears. In his hands, Chan holds a cute wooden kangaroo.

"Ish not?"

Jisung asks even if he has the answer right in front of him.

"No it's not, well it doesn't seem like it is"

The older observes the sculpture from its every angle, finding nothing wrong with it. But although it isn't broken, Minho looks down at his little, disappointement on his face.

"That's why you shouldn't have touched the gifts Jisung. I'm really disappointed, I think you deserve a punishment. How about you sit on the stairs for 5 minutes"

The little whines, but still gets up and make his way to the stairs, sitting on the last step. He's sad, but he knows he deserves the punishment and he is still happy he didn't break Channie's gift. He hears the others laugh in the living room and feels jealous, but still waits patiently for his time out to be over. When it finally is, Minho comes get him and the rest of the day turns out great. Now the littles can't wait for New Year...

Merry Christmas!!! (I know I'm late oopsies)

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