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Caregiver : Chan
Little : Jeongin


Idea by Yongbokikiiii because I can't come up with ideas myself so my best friend needs to help me


Chan POV

Today we had planned to go at the arcade place then to the attraction parc since it was our day off. The boys all seemed excited and it put a smile on my face. Everybody was almost ready, including me, when I saw Jeongin coming my way, still in his pajama. He was looking at the ground and I felt my heart sink.

"What is it Jeongin?"

I slowly asked, putting a hand on his shoulder once he was close enough. He lifted his head up a little so I could see his face. He looked exhausted and he was so pale.

"Omg Innie are you alright?!"

Felix almost yelled when he saw the youngest state. Jeongin still managed to shake his head.

"I'm fine, I'll just stay here today. You guys can go without me"

The end was almost a whisper and it broke my heart.

"I'll stay with you"

Jeongin lifted his head up completely, looking at me worried.

"N-no you go. I'll be okay, you need a day of fun too"

He turned me around and pushed me towards the others.

"But I can't leave you here on your own"

I protested, turning back to face him again. His face went paler than it already was and I didn't know how it was possible.

"I'm okay, I'm not that sick I promise. Just go and have a great day. I'll see you tonight 'kay?"

His question sounded more like beggings and I couldn't say anything. I hugged him tight.

"... Okay then, but promise me you'll call if there's something. Anything. I'll come back immediately"

He separated himself from my embrace and weakly smiled at me.

"I promise"

He quietly said. I shot him a last worried look before finally following the others out of the dorm, my head low. I was worried, but I saw how he clearly didn't want me there. I've never seen him sick so maybe being alone was how he liked it when he didn't feel good. I didn't want to push it and/or making him feel uncomfortable. I trailed behind the others and sat at the back of the van.

Jeongin POV

I really didn't feel good. At all. My head was spinning since this morning and I almost threw up while in the bathroom. Today was suppose to be a great day, a day where Chan could finally relax and get his mind off work. I saw him overworking himself for the past week. I was so excited to finally have a fun day to spend with him and the group. Guess I wasn't lucky. I had stopped Chan from staying with me because I knew how much he needed this break, but I didn't know how I would do alone. I was used to my mom helping me everytime I was sick. I was almost never sick but when I did catch something, it was always the worst and I couldn't do anything by myself, not forgetting I would usually regress to baby space. I was scared of it happening today. All by myself... What was I going to do? My mom... My mom of course! I took my phone up from the couch where I had left it and scrolled through my contacts to find my mom's. I clicked on it and waited, listening to the ringing sounds.

"Hello sweety! I'm a bit busy right now, do you mind if we talk later? I love you"

Before I could even say anything she hung up. I felt my eyes fill with tears. What was I going to do now? The more I cried, the more I could feel myself slip. I crawled onto the sofa, under the blanket that laid there, letting myself cry. Now I regretted stopping dada from staying...

Chan POV

Once we got to the arcade place, I noticed a pharmacy just beside it. I had felt anxious the whole ride to here. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey guys, I know I said I'd spend the day with you, but I don't think I can while knowing Jeongin is sick and alone at the dorm"

The all agreed and I could see they were as worried as I was. I watched them enter the building before I ran to the store beside and grabbed some essentials for basic sickness; some syrup for sore throat, headache medicine, etc. Once I paid for it, I proceeded to wait a bit for the bus and then finally arrived at our dorm. Pushing the door open, my heart skipped a bit at the sight in front of me. On the couch rested a tiny looking Jeongin, all curled up in a blanket with a frown on his face. I approached, putting the medicine on the kitchen table on the way. Touching his forehead I could feel him burning up.


I heard a weak voice call. My face grew even more concerned.

"Hey baby, you're pretty sick, dada will give you some medicine"

He looked at me, not looking like he understood any of what I said and I figured he'd fell into baby space. I was almost mad knowing he could've been there alone all day. Mad at myself of course, for not staying from the start. When he took everything I gave him so he could feel better, with a bit of struggle of course, I picked him up and brought him to his bed. I tucked him in and was about to leave him to rest when I heard his little voice.


I could see he had struggled to get the word out as his mind set was still pretty young. I smiled at him, making my way back beside him.

"Of course baby"

I got into bed next to him and held him close to my chest, soflty humming a song. We cuddled like this for the rest of the day, mostly sleeping. I guess I could say I needed it as much as him.



I hope Chan will stop overworking himself this year, he should sleep more :(

Anyways hope you liked iiit

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