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Caregiver : Chan
Little : Jeongin


TRIGGER WARNING : ✨extremely fluffy✨😄


Jeongin was a great little. As his caregiver, Chan couldn't be more grateful. As the younger was usually in baby space when he slipped, he never caused any problems and was only fun to take care of. Chan was whipped for the little and he wasn't scared of showing it. So of course, when his baby woke up already little this morning, the leader immediately thought of some activities he could do with him today, on their day off. Taking him up onto his hip, Chan hugged Jeongin close, taking him into the living room. The small boy let out some happy giggles as he was picked up. Sitting on the couch with Jeongin on his lap, Chan looked fondly at the latter.

"What does my baby want to do today?"

Jeongin looked up at his caregiver's face, a bit too little to understand nor to talk.

"Is Innie in baby space?"

Chan cooed, hugging the small boy once again. The little's hands grabbed the leader's shirt while hugging back. Chan hummed a song softly, making Jeongin fall asleep once again. The rest of the members woke up some time after and when they entered the living room they all smiled at the sight of the little and his caregiver, both asleep, holding each other.

In the afternoon, the couple was wide awake and ready to do some activities. They started by playing with plushies, at Jeongin's request. Which he made by running to his room to get his favorite plush and put it into Chan's arms, jumping excitedly. The older laughed and understood immediately what his baby wanted. The day went on and the happy couple watched movies and cartoons, drew and even made some cookies, with Felix' help of course. It was, what you can call, a perfect day. At least, it was for Chan as his baby had been so good today and he wanted to spoil him even more. Immediately, an idea popped into his head and he smiled to himself. As the sun was already setting and the group was about to eat, Chan took time to talk about his idea to every member so they could help him organize something great for Jeongin. Everyone agreed to the idea and some laughed at Chan's cheesiness, but still found him adorable for taking such good care of his boyfriend. They all ate dinner, Jeongin not suspecting anything and happily eating the nuggets made just for him. His caregiver looked fondly at him and wondered how he got blessed by such a great little. After the meal, they started to execute the plan, Chan played with Jeongin, trying to distract him from the members running around the dorm. Finally, Seungmin entered the couple's room and made thumbs up at Chan and the latter understood everything was ready.

"Hey baby? Dada's got a surprise for you"

The little looked up, eyes shining. He let himself be picked up by the leader and slightly clapped his small hands together excitedly. Chan put him down in front of the dorm's room, where all their coats were hanging. The older put on his coat before carefully wrapping his little into his own. Not forgetting to put their shoes on, Chan picked Jeongin up again, exiting the dorm. The younger was confused, but still excited to see the surprise. They took the stairs that went up to the roof and when Chan pushed the door, Jeongin gasped. There were blankets and pillows disposed on the ground and even fairy lights hangging on the clothes line. Even Chan was surprised at how good of a job his members did. He made himself a mental note to thank them a lot once they'd be back. They sat down, Jeongin not leaving Chan's arms.

"Here, I wanted to take you stargazing because you were such a good boy today, are you happy Innie?"

The younger smiled widely, nodding his head vigorously. He hugged his caregiver even more before laying down onto some pillows. Chan covered him with a blanket, doing the same for himself, then settled down beside his boyfriend. Nothing could explain the contentement they lived at that moment. They both looked at the sky, luckily it was a clear night, with no clouds, and they could see the stars really well. Jeongin moved and rested his head on Chan's chest, already getting sleepy. The older stroked his little's hair, still looking up at the sky as he felt the younger one slowly fall asleep. Chan looked down at Jeongin, listening to his even breathing. He really though this moment might've been the best of his life...



A short one because I'm not that good at writing fluff, but jeongchan give me that vibe so I needed to write this. Hope you enjoyed :)

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