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BuSaN fAnSiGn (read in felix strong aussie accent)


Caregiver : Minho
Little : Jisung


Jisung POV

Today we had a fanmeet planned. Normally it made me really happy to meet up with STAY, but today I had woken up feeling anxious...and little. I hoped it would be alright during the event, I didn't want to disappoint the fans. I made my way into the kitchen were everybody had gattered already and were looking for a breakfast. I locked my eyes on Minho, who was standing at the other side of the room and walked to him, back hugging him. He chuckled and tried to look at me, but I didn't let go. He still managed to pat my head a little.

"Still sleepy?"

He asked sweetly. I hummed, not wanting to tell him about my current struggles and hugged his waist tighter.

"Here, I'll make you a bowl of cereals go sit down at the table"

I finally let go of him and he proceeded to turn around, leaving a kiss on my forehead before starting to prepare my breakfast. I waddled to the table and sat beside Jeongin, whom was already enjoying two buttered toasts. He smiled at me then took another bite of his breakfast. I sighed of contentment when I saw Minho coming with two bowls in each hands. He handed me one, which I gladly took and sat in front of me with his own. I started eating fast, I didn't know I was this hungry. I was immediately scolded by the older in front of me, him repeating I would choke if I continued to eat this fast. I slowed down a bit, but still put whole stacks of cereals into my cheeks, making them bigger.

"Are you feeling little today Hannie?"

Minho suddenly asked. I felt my heartbeat rise, I didn't want to worry him, I shook my head no. I smiled to assure him I was fine and he seemed to buy it as he smiled back softly.

Minho POV

I felt like something was off with Jisung this morning. Since we had a meeting in the afternoon, I thought he might be anxious and had woken up little but when I asked he looked sincere with his answer. Although, it was not that he wasn't clingy when he wasn't little, it was the fact that he mostly hugged me when he went into his childlike head space. I couldn't stop worrying. I didn't want him to feel bad today and I knew he could get anxious in big crowds. After everyone was done with breakfast, I started to observe Jisung movements. He indeed didn't look like he had slipped into little space, he was way more chaotic when little. I tried to forget my bad feeling and trust Jisung. I was sure he would tell me if something was wrong.

Jisung POV

I couldn't tell Minho something was wrong. I didn't want to ruin his day by worrying him but my anxiety was only growing by each hours, the time to go to the fanmeet was coming soon. Everyone was ready and excited, while I sat on the couch trying to hide my shaky hands. Then Chan spoke up and I took a deep breath.

"Okay so is everyone ready?"

He questioned from the living room entrance. The members all agreed cheerfully and I forced a smile on my face. I felt eyes on me and immediately turned to see Minho's concerned face. I guess the idea of not worrying him was off the plan. I sighed, looking down at my lap.

Minho POV

I knew something was wrong with Jisung. He was off, I saw his hand shaking and his eyes trailing everywhere nervously. I needed to make sure everything would go well at the fansign. When we arrived there, the room was empty and only a table was dressed with eight seats for us to occupy. I sat beside Jisung, taking one of his hand in mine. He looked at me confused, but I saw the anxiousness in his eyes and only squeezed his hand harder. He sighed and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Jisung are you okay?"

Chan asked from across the room, seeing the younger's state.

"He's fine, he told me he didn't have a good night of sleep. He's tired"

I lied. Chan agreed nonetheless.

"Okay then, hang in there squirrel, you'll be able to sleep after the event"

The other members shot concerned glances at Jisung before getting ready at their respective seat. Jisung lifted his head back up when fans started to flow into the room. Things seemed fine for the first part of the meeting, we sang some songs and Chan made a small speech thanking the stays for coming, followed by Changbin and Hyunjin shooting jokes around. Jisung seemed fine, he even smiled and laughed. But when it was time for us to sign albums and actually talk with the fans, I saw him tense up.

Jisung POV

After the first half of the fanmeet, which went great, I thought I would be alright until the end but I started to be anxious again when I saw how many people were there to talk to each of us. My urge to slip grown until I couldn't even stop it anymore. I laid my little eyes on Minho. He looked back at me and seemed to immediately understand what was happening. He wrote something on a piece of paper and whispered something into Felix' ear, who was sitting beside him, before giving him the paper. I watched the paper be passed from hand to hand until it reached the end of the table, to Chan. I looked at him read it and finally look in my direction. I smiled at the attention and started to jump in my seat a little. Minho stopped me by putting one of his hand on my shoulder. When I looked back at the leader, he had stood up, a mic in his hand.

"Hey stays!"

He exclaimed, immediately getting the fans attention.

"So our Jisung is currently not at his best state, we would be really grateful if you'd let him get some rest. Would you accept?"

He asked respectfully. I had currently slipped to deep to understand everything that was happening but I heard the fans collectively agree. Then Minho stood up and led me to the backstage, thanking Chan on the way out. Once out of sight he turned toward me and picked me up, balancing me on his hip. I squealed happily and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Is my baby tired?"

I closed my fists onto his shirt sleeves as a response, already feeling my eyes closing.

Minho POV

I found a room for Jisung to rest since he had fallen asleep already and asked the staff to keep an eye on him, explaining the situation. Unfortunately, I had to get back on stage, I would've want to stay with my baby, but I couldn't. I made my way back to the loud room filled with fans. Although, the second I stepped into view, the leader signaled me not to come. I read on his lips : I took care of everything. He thumbed up, pointing at the backstage again with a smile on his face. I bowed slightly, smiling back. I gratefully got back to Jisung's side. He was still sleeping and looked the most peaceful I had seen him today. I brushed some hair out of his face and kissed his cheek. I moved his head so that he was laying in my lap and sighed relieved. He moved cutely and found my hand, squeezing it with his small fingers. My smile got bigger.

"Rest well angel"



My best friend bought me a stray kids lightstick for christmas I'm so happy :)

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