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Caregiver : Chan
Little : Minho


Chan POV

I couldn't tell the group. I couldn't tell them about the messages I was receiving. The hate ones. I couldn't tell the group because they would freak out and then it would become a big topic and I didn't want that, so I kept it to myself. The thing is, after about a month, I couldn't take it anymore. I was tired and trying my best to satisfy everyone, but nothing had changed in a whole month. I couldn't live with it like it was nothing anymore. I was currently in my room at the dorms, reading the endless messages I had received and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I didn't know I was crying until now. I quickly dried my cheeks and stood up, shoting my phone. Trying not to wake my roommates up, I made my way out of the room. I put on my coat and exited the dorm. Once in the street, I was met with a cold breeze, but ignored it and started walking to the closest store.

Minho POV

I woke up when I heard the sound of a door closing. It was not that the sound was loud, only that my sleep was really light, espacially lately for some reasons. I tried to close my eyes and fall asleep again, but couldn't. I was only thinking about who else could be awake at this hour. I sat up in my bed when I realized : only Chan could be awake at night like this. I got out of bed and made my way out of the room. I went to the living room, hoping to find the leader there, but there was no one. I frowned. I walked back to the rooms and slowly opened Chan's one only to be faced with his empty bed and his two roommates loudly snoring. I closed back the door, confused. Where the hell was he at this hour? Did he really go out? I hoped he didn't go back at the studio to work. He needed some sleep. I didn't actually know what to do so I sat on the couch, which left a view to the front door so I could know when Chan would be back. At first, I only stared at the door, but I quickly felt my eyes get tired again and fell into a deep slumber.

What felt like two hours later, I heard a loud noise and woke up with a jump. Looking up, I noticed it was Chan and sigh before smiling.

"Chan, where were you?"

I whispered. He didn't answer and continued to try and get his shoes of his feet, without succeeding. I stood up from my spot and got closer.


I softly tapped his shoulder. This time, he looked up and glared at me. Then, all of a sudden, a wild smile appeared on his face.


He said way too loud, but that was not what had triggered me, the nickname had. I felt a tingling feeling inside my stomach and knew exactly what it was.

"Minmin I-"

He tried to talk again, but I immediately placed my hand on top of his mouth, because firstly it was way too loud and secondly, I couldn't slip right now, I needed to take care of a, what seemed like, drunk Chan. I sighed, trying to calm myself down, but freaked out when I felt a wet sensation on my hand. I gasped and took of my hand, looking at it in surprise.

"Did you just lick my hand?"

I asked in despair. Chan nodded, looking proud. Maybe it was the tiredness, or maybe the situation, or maybe only Chan, but at this moment I only felt like slipping. I started to take my thumb up to my mouth, but stopped myself before it happened, forcing me back into being big. Chan needed my help right now.

"Channi- Chan can you expwain- I mean, explain what's happening? Why are you drunk?"

I carefully asked, placing my hand back on his shoulder. I freaked out when I saw tears fill up Chan's eyes.

"Hey shh why are you crying?"

I questioned, concerned. He looked up at me with glossy eyes and a pout.

"Minmin... people send me mean messages"

At that, my heart broke in a million pieces.


I was shocked, why didn't he tell us before? Has it been long? I hope not... Interrupting my train of thoughts, quiet sobs were heard. Chan was now curled up at me feet and crying. My heart hurt at the sight and I got down to make him stand up again then pushed him slightly to the couch so he could sit. Once that was done I took a tissu and started drying the tears on my poor leader's face. He slowly stopped crying and glanced at me.


It came out more like a whine then him calling my name.

"Yes Chan?"

"Minho I love you"

He said faster than my mind could process. My eyes widened and I tried to calm down again.

"Me too Chan, of course I love you, you're a great leader and a great friend"

He looked hurt.

"No- I love you like more than a friend"

The last part was whispered, but I heard it. I was shocked. Was this really happening? Maybe I was dreaming?

"Chan you can't love me"

I simply replied. By now he was looking straight into my eyes.


He asked sadly. I looked down.

"Because I have a secret and if you discover it you'll be disgusted"

I replied softly. He tried to catch my eyes again by shifting his head closer to mine. I was surprised and jumped back a little.

"I could never be disgusted by you Min"

I wasn't sure, but I felt like he wasn't drunk anymore. Maybe it was just my imagination though.

"You can tell me anything"

He continued and it made me hopeful.

"Are you sure?"

He nodded.

"I'm scared"

I admitted, clutching my stomach as it hurt a little from all the anxiousness.

"It's okay. You can be scared, but please trust me. I won't judge you, just tell me what it is"

I hummed and looked down once again. I guess it was now or never uh?

"W-well, I regress to a younger age when I'm too anxious or excited, I-I'm a little"

I said faster than I thought I could ever talk, while stuttering a bit. A silence filled the room and my heart was pounding so fast. That was it, he was disgusted and didn't want me anymore. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out to restrain my tears from falling. I opened them again when I felt a hand touch mine.

"Why did you think I'd be disgusted?"

Was the only thing Chan said before squeezing my hand gently. I looked up and saw a soft dimpled smile onto Chan's face.

"I could never stop loving you, and surely not for this. I'll try to understand it and I promise I'll learn more about it"

He exclaimed while making a scout sign with one hand. I chuckled lightly.


I asked, just to be sure.

"Of course, but the real question is, d-do you love me back?"

I saw him struggle with the sentence and I giggled even more.

"Damn right I do"

I confidently said. His eyes shined and he immediately went in for a hug.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this"

He whispered into my ear.

"Me toow Channie"



Did I just wrote a Minchan one shot? Yes, yes I did. I hope you liked it :)

- Also please send love to Jisung, I'm scared for his mental health :( -

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