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I simply cannot come up with good titles so take it or leave it :/

Also, I originally wrote this as a special chapter in my other fanfic, but as it fits perfectly here, there you go, enjoyyy


Caregiver : Felix
Little : Changbin


Changbin POV

It was a usual day at the dorm. We were actually doing a live while cooking like we often do. It was actually going to end soon as we were all eating the remaining food on the table. I was humming happily as I swallowed my last piece of meat. The others were talking and laughing loudly around me. I chuckled when Hannie said a funny pun while Hyunjin laughed dramatically as usual. Thinking the live was coming to an end I stood up from the place I was sitting and made my way to the other members, which were already settled in a small circle in front of the camera.

"We're going to end it here guys! We'll go do the dishes now"

Chan said, smiling.

"Yah, how about we let Changbin do it?"

Han exclaimed making the others laugh. I felt my heart squeeze. They all seemed to agree to the suggestion and I started to feel annoyed. I slightly slapped the back of Hannie's head.

"Why always me?"

"Because it's the tradition Binnie"

Minho added, smiling creepily and placing his hands on Jisung's shoulders. The live finally ended and thinking the others wouldn't actually let me do the dishes alone, I sighed. But when I turned around, I saw them all waddle out of the room, giggling. My eyes started to sting as I felt the tears rose. No, I wouldn't cry for this. It'd be stupid, it wasn't even the first time they did that, why would it bother me today? But today was different from the other times. Today I had woken up feeling like I could slip at any moment. I was feeling great this morning so I thought the sensation would go away, but now it was only worst. I decided not to hold it in anymore and let myself slip. Slowly seating on the floor, I let the tears out. I wanted dada.

Felix POV

I felt like it was unfair to let Changbin do the dishes alone, but didn't think much more of it since it wasn't the first time it happened. He'd also never told me it bothered him in any way. I was laughing with the rest of the members when I realized I'd left my phone on the kitchen table. Telling the guys where I was going, I made my way back to the kitchen. At first, I could only hear small whines but as I got closer, I started to hear actual sobs. My heart stopped for a second and I ran the rest of the way to the small room, only to witness the most heartbreaking scene. Changbin, seating on the floor, crying his eyes out. I quickly settled down beside him and immediately rubbed his back. He lifted his head up and looked at me hopeful.

"Dada! Binnie sad..."

He sobbed some more and I placed him on my lap, shushing him by patting his hair.

"Can you tell dada why baby is sad?"

He shook his head no, but tried to explain nonetheless.

"Left Binnie awone wif dishes"

He sniffled as another wave of tears creeped its way onto his cheeks.

"Oh baby we're sorry, we didn't know it would make Binnie sad"

"Binnie don'w wanna do dwishes"

I rocked him back and forth, one of my hand still on his hair.

"I understand baby, it's okay, don't cry anymore. Do you want to cuddle and take a nap?"

I already felt him drift off to sleep as I looked as his small reddened face covered in tears. My heart broke in millions of pieces. How could I be so dumb and let this happen? I did noticed his state this morning, I knew he would slip eventually today. I took the little up in my arms and brung him to his room. I layed him on his bed and as I was turning to the door, I felt a hand pull the end of my shirt. I looked down at the sleepy boy.

"Dada don'w leave Binnie alowne"

New tears were making they're way at the corners of his eyes and I dried them off with my hands when they fell on his cheeks.

"No baby, dada is going to tell the other hyungies Binnie is tired, after we can cuddle okay?"

He smiled and closed his eyes, nodding slightly. I left the room and walked back to the others. When I entered they all looked at me, some still laughing about a joke I didn't hear.

"Hey guys, Changbin fell into little space so I put him to nap, could you please clean up the kitchen? I think it really upsetted him that we let him do it alone"

They all nodded but Chan was the first one to stand up from where he was seated, gesturing the others to do the same.

"Poor baby"

He said when he passed beside me, patting my shoulder. When they all left to go clean up the mess, I returned to the little's room. I cooed at his cuteness. Small snores were escaping his mouth as he breathed softly. Settling myself beside him, I stroked his soft hair and pulled the covers higher onto his shoulders.

"Dada is sorry, sleep well my baby"

I whispered before I, myself, felt like falling asleep.



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