Burning Up

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Caregiver : Felix
Little : Changbin


3rd POV

The next comeback of the team was coming soon and there wasn't anytime for breaks. Changbin wanted to give his hundred percent and make great new songs. Of course, Chan and Jisung helped, but Changbin felt like he wasn't doing enough. So while everybody returned home after practice, he decided to stay at the studio to perfect some songs and he did that again the next day and the next one also until he had done it for over a week. The members were concerned about him, but even more Felix since his little hadn't slipped in many days. Still, he restrained himself from saying anything since he knew it would only end up with them fighting and that's not what they both needed right now. Changbin was a really shy little and asking him to slip was not an easy task as the rapper would always get angry and refuse to find his little head space in the end. With that in mind, Felix threw away the idea of talking about it with Changbin, but it didn't stop him from being anxious about the situation.

Changbin POV

I hadn't slipped in days and although I knew I needed it, I didn't want to lose time to work. I knew Felix was concerned, but I couldn't do anything about it, the new songs needed to be perfect for our comeback. I wanted the fans to be proud. So again tonight, I had stayed behind to work on the tracks a little more.

"Changbin you should come back home with us"

I heard Chan say beside me. I hummed slightly.

"Go on without me, I'll just look over those tracks before leaving"

Chan and Jisung both sighed but still left the studio afterwards. I took a sip of water from the glass in front of me as I felt my throat start to hurt. It made the pain slightly go away so I got back to what I was doing.

After an hour or so I was starting to feel bad. My head my spinning a little and my throat was now truly killing me. I thought I was probably just tired. I finally closed my laptop and gathered my things together, ready to go back to the dorm. As I stood up, my vision got slightly blurry and I took a hold of the wall beside me. After a few seconds it got back to normal so I opened the door and locked it once I was out of the room. I made my way out the building and took a deep breath of the fresh night air from outside. I felt a bit better and walked slowly in the direction of the dorm. Once there, I let my stuff flop quietly on the floor and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. It also made me feel better and I laid on my bed, my eyes automatically closing before I fell into a deep slumber.



I heard someone call my name but my head was heavy and I wouldn't dare open my eyes.


They called again. I whined slightly, suddenly feeling really small.

"Baby wake up"

I heard Felix' soft voice speak up and hardly opened my eyes.

Felix POV

I put my hand on Changbin's forehead as I tried to wake him up, feeling the heat emanate from it. He seemed to have a pretty big fever.

"Baby wake up"

I tried again since he didn't bulge the first times I'd called him. This time, he finally opened his eyes, but I could see it was a hard task for him. He whined when he saw me and I saw his eyes fill with tears.

"Hey hey it's okay"

The tears roll down his cheeks without him making any sound. My heart broke at the sight and I took a deep breath.

"Ouwchie dada"

He whispered in a hoarse voice. I nodded my head.

"I know sweety, you're a little sick"

He reached for my hand which was still on his forehead and I gave it to him. He silently cried while playing with my fingers.

"Don't cry baby, dada will take care of you okay?"

He glanced at me with big eyes and nodded. Right at that moment, Chan came into the room. I remembered asking him earlier for a bucket of water and a towel. He smiled sadly at me, handing me the stuff. I thanked him and he left the room without a word.

"Okay honey I'll need both my hands for this"

I softly said. Changbin whined loudly at this. I sighed.

"Do you want to hold Gyu? Look, I got him right there"

I exclaimed, handing him the plushie that was previously sitting on the nightstand. He gladly took it and hugged it firmly. I proceeded in wetting the towel and pressing it gently onto Changbin's forehead, cheeks, arms, etc. During the whole process he kept his eyes closed and eventually fell asleep. I settled beside him on the bed, pulling the covers up our shoulders. I kissed his cheek and passed an arm around him, holding him close.

"You'll get better soon angel"

I whispered before closing my eyes too.



Thank you so much for 4k!!!

Also I feel like there won't be any skz code's episode this week I'm so sad T_T

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