Lost Blankie

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Caregivers : Chan, Changbin
Little : Jisung


3rd POV

Jisung's cries echoed through the whole dorm. It seemed they were getting louder every passing minute. Chan thought he'd turn crazy. He was balancing the little on his hip while searching frantically.

"Where is it?"

He asked himself in disbelief. The little in his arms only sobbed louder at Chan's words, even though he was probably too far into his head space to understand. Chan took a deep, shaky breath, trying to think. Jisung's comfort blanket was lost, where could it be? Where did he last see it? Didn't Jisung go to sleep with it? He thought so, but he had already looked into the bedroom. Going as far as throwing the little's bed covers on the floor and checking under the mattress. It had been about 45 minutes since he had started searching, but for the leader it felt more like hours. Jisung hadn't stopped crying since he noticed the missing item and Chan was scared he'd fall sick, while he thought he, himself, would be deaf by the end of the day.

He returned into the living room for, at least, the eighth time of the day and once again looked under the cushions of the couch and into the numerous boxes of toys on the floor.

"Where is this damn blanket"

He groaned. He quickly picked up a cat plush from the floor and handed it to Jisung.

"Hey baby, how about the cat? Don't you want to play with the cat?"

He asked, out of ideas to calm the little down. Jisung's cries calmed down a bit as he looked at the plushie then his bottom lip started to shake and loud sobs were heard yet again. Chan couldn't do it, the situation was getting out of hands.

All of the members were out as it was their rest day, but that meant no one was there to help him search for the blanket while he calmed down Jisung. He couldn't do both, he was exhausted. He had thought of calling Changbin, the younger was good at calming down their baby, but he didn't want to bother him and he had explicitly told him he could take care of Jisung by himself the day prior. He let out a big sigh and for a second he thought of giving up and cry along with Jisung and he was about to when the clicking of the front door's handle was heard.

There stood Changbin, bags of books in his hands, he had been to the library all morning. The rapper stared at the scene unfolding in front of him. Chan had teary eyes and was holding a sobbing Jisung in his arms. They both looked so tired. It broke Changbin's heart. He quickly let go of his bags and approached the two.

"What happened?"

He asked Chan, gesturing to take Jisung from him at the same time. The leader gladly let go of the little, his arms feeling wobbly. He was on the verge of crying while explaining the situation.

"He-he lost his blanket a-and I can't find it, he's been crying for o-over an hour now and I don't know what to do"

It was the first time Changbin had seen his leader so defeated.

"Oh Chan, why didn't you call me?"

He asked, making a move to hug the older while still holding Jisung.

"I-I don't know, I didn't want to bother you"

His voice was so soft, Changbin almost didn't hear under the loud crying of Jisung, but as soon as he did he pouted at the leader. He pushed him softly to get him to sit on the couch, which Chan let him do, too exhausted to protest. Then the rapper sat beside him, settling the little comfortably in his lap. He started to hum a song while he stroked Jisung's hair and back.

"Channie, can you get him his pacifier please?"

Chan nodded, he had already tried to give it to the little a few minutes ago, but the latter would simply let it fall from his mouth and continu crying so he'd given up. He brought the blue dummy to Changbin, sitting back again onto the couch. Changbin slipped the item between the youngest's lips. To Chan's surprised, Jisung immediately took it and started sucking on it. Even if tears were still falling from his eyes, he had stopped crying. Chan felt like tearing up again. It looked so easy for Changbin to calm the little down. Maybe he just wasn't made to be a caregiver, he thought. As if the rapper had read his mind, he looked at his leader.

"Hey, you're a good caregiver and Jisung loves you, I think he didn't calm down with you because he sensed you were as distressed as him"

A tear slipped down Chan's cheek as he nodded. He was, indeed, so anxious it might of stressed the little even more. He looked back at Changbin when the latter spoke up again.

"Did you look into our room?"

He asked and Chan shook his head yes.

"It was the first place I looked into"

He faintly said.

"And into the pillowcase?"

The younger questioned again. At that, Chan's eyes widened. He was so dumb, it was Jisung's habit to put his stuffed toys into his pillowcase during the night. The leader shot up and almost sprinted to reach the room and just as expected, the blanket was there, stuck into the pillowcase. He let out a huge sigh, going back into the living room.

"Baby! Look at what Channie found!"

The little turned around sleepily. Although, his eyes widened when he saw the small, yellow blanket his caregiver was holding. He made grabby hands to get it and Chan gladly gave it to him. The little gurggled happily, letting go of his paci to suck onto the soft material. When Chan let himself fall beside his boyfriends and sighed yet again, Jisung wiggled into Changbin's hold. He pointed at Chan and looked at Changbin hopefully. The latter smiled and let Jisung crawl from his lap to Chan's, surprising the leader.

"Oh, hi baby"

Jisung hummed and let his head fall onto his caregiver's chest. It didn't take long for both of them to fall asleep, holding one another. Changbin couldn't help but coo at the sight.



I love poly 3racha, I needed to write this :<

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