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Caregiver : Jisung
Little : Minho


Requested by  rxxne_aa

Hope you like it!


3rd POV

"Morning baby"

Minho heard before feeling soft lips on his forehead. He tried to open his eyes to look at his caregiver, but he felt very icky and wasn't able to move the way he wanted. A panicked whine escaped his lips. Jisung looked at his little, a frown forming on his face when he realized how pale Minho looked. He tried to press his palm onto the older's forehead, at the same place he had just left a kiss, but Minho roughly pushed his hand away with another whine.

"Are you sick baby?"

Jisung carefully asked as he knew how Minho got when he was sick. The little faintly shook his head.

" 'M not"

He said hoarsly, his throat sounding dry.

"I think you are sweetie, do you think you can open your pretty eyes for dada?"

Minho pouted and slowly opened them with difficulty, the sunlight hitting his poor eyes. He was about to close them again, but he caught sight of Jisung's face and looked at him, sulking even more.

"Aww my pretty baby, hi!"

Jisung softly said, trying to reassure his little everything would be fine. He stroked the latter's hair.

"Dada will go get the thermometer to take your temperature, okay honey? I'll be back in a second"

He assured, looking as Minho tried to grab his arm so he wouldn't leave. Jisung cooed sadly.

"I'll be right back, don't worry baby"

With that, he left the room and quickly got to the bathroom, taking the first aid kit from the cabinet under the sink. He came back into the room while searching for the thermometer in it.

"No sicky"

Minho tried again. Jisung almost didn't hear him because of how faint his voice was.

"We'll make sure of that baby, could you open your mouth and say "ah" for dada?"

Minho vigorously shook his head, turning it to face the wall instead of his caregiver. The younger sighed softly. He took a seat on the edge of Minho's bed and started drawing shapes onto the latter's arm.

"Please honey, dada wants to know if you're really sick, then he'll help you feel all better"

Jisung tried, but the little didn't budge. The rapper decided to try something else.

"Then do you want your dummy sweatheart?"

He gently asked, hoping the other would accept. To his delight, the older turned his head curiously and faced him once again.

"You want it?"

He tried to make sure. Minho nodded slightly. Jisung got up and retrieved the purple pacifier from his spot on the nightstand. Just as he approached the object from Minho's mouth, when the dancer opened his mouth, he switched it with the thermometer, getting it to go under Minho's tongue. The little whined loudly but still closed his mouth around it, deciding he was too tired to fight it anyway. When a bipping sound was heard, Jisung carefully took the device out of the little's mouth and looked at the result, a frown quickly forming on his face.

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