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Caregiver : Minho, Jisung (+Chan)
Little : Felix (+surprise)


"Thanks again guys, I owe you"

Chan repeated for what seemed like the 20th time this morning. Jisung and Minho had accepted to babysit little Felix today as Chan had gotten a call from the agency telling him the due date for their new songs' release had been brought forward. He had to work on the tracks today if he wanted them to be perfect on time. Normally Jisung would tag along, but he had felt anxious recently and the team, and mostly Chan, didn't want to burden him even more. Minho and Jisung nodded and chuckled as they're hyung seemed frantic. They knew everything would go just fine and it wasn't a bother at all for them to take care of Felix. He was a sweet little.

"I love you baby, be a good boy today, okay?"

The leader turned around to talk to his little. Felix was calmly sitting on the couch, playing with a plushie. He giggled and nodded.

"Love chu dada"

The door closed behind the oldest and the pair of temporary caregivers approached Felix.

"So Lixie, what would you like to do today?"

Minho asked softly, with a warm smile. Felix beamed before answering.


"Oh, you want to color? What a great idea"

Jisung said happily as he watched Minho prepare some coloring books and pencils onto the coffee table of the living room.

For the next hour, everything was calm and relaxing. Felix wasn't the type to throw tantrums or be hyperactive when little so it was pretty easy to take care of him. The three of them colored and played cars with him for a bit. To say it was going very well wasn't an understatement. The relaxing feeling stayed until Minho's phone buzzed and he looked down at his screen. Chan's name was lighten up on it. He quickly got up to pick up the call.

"Ji, I'll answer Chan, you'll be able to take care of Felix alone?"

Jisung nodded and smiled to reassure the older. The latter went into another room, leaving Jisung on the floor with a happy Felix.


Felix soon exclaimed, taking Jisung by surprise. He felt a fuzzy sensation take place inside his stomach at the nickname but he decided to ignore it.

"Lixie wanna pway wif pushie!"

The little excitedly said. Jisung chuckled.

"You want to play with your plushies? Alright, let me get them for you"

Felix clapped happily, bouncing in his bottom while he waited for Jisung to get his stuffed animals. The older quickly got to the blue plastic box containing the little's toys. He slowly opened the lid and glancing at the things inside, a weird feeling started to blur his mind. Helpless, he looked at Felix's direction. The little stared back at him, a worried expression on his small face. Jisung let himself slide on the ground and pouted.

"Y'okay Sungie ?"

Felix asked at his almost twin. The latter felt tears rise at the corner of his eyes. Quiet sobs soon escaped his lips as he tried to talk.

"Minmin gonna be mad"

Jisung whimpered. Felix stared at him worriedly and tilted his head.

"Why Minmin mad?"

"He be mad at me"

Jisung cried out again.

"Why mad at chu?"

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