A Little Jealousy - Part 1

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Caregiver : Chan, Felix (+skz)
Little : Seungmin


3rd pov

Chan had been Seungmin's main caregiver since the team found out about the second youngest being a little. The latter hadn't hesitated to choose his caregiver as he had always felt safe and loved with Chan. Now, a year later, both of them were doing well. The next comeback of the group was planned in a month and although Chan was busy, like everyone else of course but he had more responsibilities as the leader, he had still managed to come home every night and take care of Seungmin on their days off. Unfortunately, that didn't last. The leader was overwhelmed by all the work and often stayed until late at the studio or simply didn't come back at the dorm at all. After over a week, Seungmin was not doing great. He hadn't slipped in too many days and he was always feeling grumpy or was unable to concentrate.

Seungmin POV

At dance practice today, I felt like my head was about to explode. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before trying again to dance with the others. Chan wasn't there, like always I could say. He was still at the studio working on the new songs and he told us he was going to practice the choreography later. Thinking about this, I missed a few steps and the other members noticed. They started to ask me if I was okay to which I answered I was fine in a harsh way. I felt guilty, but today really wasn't my day.

A few days later, it was finally the weekend and we had a day off but again, Chan decided to use it to work more. I sighed, getting out of my bed and making my way to the kitchen to eat breakfast. I, at least, hoped to see Chan before he left, but when I entered the room he was nowhere to be found. Only Felix, Hyunjin and Minho were gattered around the table, eating peacefully. I sighed yet again. The three all looked up at me with confused and worried looks.

"Hey Seungmo, hasn't it been a while since you slipped?"

Minho asked between two bites of bread. I whined softly and nodded.

"I don't want to slip without Chan, but he's never there now-a-days"

I explained. Felix stood up, getting next to me, he rubbed my back while pushing me gently to sit on a chair.

"I think you should still try slipping"

He said, taking the seat beside me.

"You know it's bad for you to force yourself to stay big and we'll all be here to help you, you won't even miss Chan"

He added with a light chuckle. Hyunjin seemed to agree as he shook his head yes. Minho looked at me, still munching on his bread, and finally nodded while rolling his eyes. I smiled slightly, still unsure of the whole thing.

"I don't know guys, it's been a while since I've been little without a caregiver, not saying you all wouldn't do a good job, I'm just-I'm nervous"

I confessed, looking down at my hands. A small hand settled on top of mine and I looked up to see Felix grinning at me.

"No need to worry, we'll try our best to please your little self!"

I couldn't help but smile back and after some seconds of reflection, I agreed.

"M'kay, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try"

The youngest dancers smiled widely while Minho seemed lost in thoughts, looking through his phone. We all finished breakfast and the others did eventually wake up. Felix happily explained them our plan for today and everyone seemed to be okay with it. I felt guilty for kind of stealing their day off, although none of them looked like they minded.

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