Love - Part 1

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Caregiver : Chan
Little : Changbin


3rd POV

"They won't ever know, love"

Changbin played with his boyfriend's hands, also slightly biting onto his lower lip.

"But what if I slip and you're not there"

Chan hummed, aknowledging the possibility.

"I don't think that will ever happen, because I'll always be there, but if it does happen, you just have to find a quiet place where you can be alone and call me. I teached you how to use a phone while your little, remember? It should be easy and I'll always come as soon as possible"

Changbin nodded softly, pushing his body further onto Chan, trying to get as much warmth as possible. This was the place he felt the safest : into his boyfriend's hold.

"Nothing will ever happen, love, okay ?"


Changbin answered, trying to convince himself. He knew he could trust Chan. As long as the older was there, everything would be just fine.

Soon after the silence took place again, a knock on the door was heard. Felix peaked his head into the room.

"Stop cuddling and come eat, dinner's ready"

He said in an amused tone before closing the door behind him. Changbin pouted, not wanting to move from his comfortable spot. Chan chuckled and kissed the top of his head.

"Come on love, we'll cuddle again after dinner if you want"

Satisfied, Changbin nodded and stood up from the bed, Chan following suit.

After they ate, as promised, Chan hugged his boyfriend until they both fell asleep.

The next day the group had a dance practice pretty early in the morning. Waking up was tough for Changbin, he opened his eyes and he immediately felt like he could slip in headspace any minute. Still, he thought he could keep control and the uncomfortable feeling would eventually pass. With this in mind, he decided not to alert Chan and bother him with it.

The group then made their way to the practice rooms and got ready for their first choreo of the day. Changbin really didn't feel like dancing right now, or even do anything else than go back to sleep in the coziness of his bed, but he knew he had to. They all got into their positions and Minho jogged to the back of the room to go start the music. Changbin's moves were already sloppy right from the beginning and as the song continued on he started to feel the fuzzy feeling more and more. At some point, it was almost impossible for him to stay concentrated. He bumped into other members a few times, apologizing messily. The last few notes of the song were finally heard and Changbin felt like collapsing.

"Bin, you need to work on this move and also this one"

Minho corrected, showing him the right ways to do it. The rapper tried to follow, but his vision was blurry. He felt like he was in a fog.

"Are you okay, love?"

A voice asked beside him. It brought him back to reality a bit as he turned to look at Chan and forced a small smile. He nodded and hummed as a response.

The music started once again, the first notes echoing loudly. Changbin fought the urge to cover his ears and tried to dance the best he could. Until it happened. The floor seemed to slip under his feet and a small alerted gasp escaped his lips. He fell down, twisting his ankle on the way. As he held back a scream of pain, he saw the whole group approaching through his now wettening eyes. Changbin suddenly started to sob, overwhelmed by the situation. Chan got closer and the, now regressed, little made grabby hands towards him.


He cried harder. The other members stared curiously.

"Didn't know you had this kind of relationship"

Minho joked, immediately receiving a slap in the back of the head by Jisung. Chan shoot him a death glare before getting down beside his boyfriend.

"You're fine, love, dada's here"

He shushed Changbin, brushing a comforting hand through his hair. The leader didn't want to think of the conversation he'd need to have with his members. He chose to focus on his little, crying and hurt. For now, it was his priority. The rest of the team then remained confused, but didn't dare ask anything as one of their member was obviously injured. After some time, trying to calm down Changbin, Chan told the group to go home. They all agreed, leaving with worried looks on their faces.

Now left alone, the only sound that could be heard was Changbin's hiccups and sniffles. Chan had took him into his laps and was rocking them back and forth.

"Did you calmed down, love? Can you show dada where it hurts?"

The little whined, but still brought up all his force to point at his redenned ankle.

"Aw, I think you sprained your ankle"

Chan pouted.

"Poor baby, what are we gonna do?"

Changbin shrugged and whined again, fisting his caregiver's shirt.

"I think the only way is to kiss it better, don't you think?"

The rapper raised his head slightly, just enough for Chan to see him nod sadly. He smiled at the little and hummed. Putting Changbin down on the floor again, the leader carefully took hold of the injured ankle, observing it, making sure it really was sprained and not broken. When Changbin whined, the caregiver chuckled and finally kissed the red area. He smiled as giggles were heard and kissed it again, multiple times. After several little pecks, he stopped and looked at his boyfriend.

"All better now?"

Changbin was pouting cutely, but nodded notheless.

"Let's go put some ice on it"

Chan lifted the rapper into his arms, along with both of their bags.

"Do you prefer frozen carrots or frozen peas to put on the ouchie?"

Changbin giggled and shook his head.

"Dada no put ve'tables"

He continued to laugh and Chan joined along.

"Okay, love, we won't use vegetables, but then what can we put on your little leg?"

"Ice cweam!"

He exclaimed with a proud smile. Chan cooed.

"Ice cream it will be then!"



I didn't plan to, but I'll make a part 2 for when they explain it to the group :]

Hope you enjoyed!

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