Chapter 12.) Hear me, Feel me.

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It was May 17th, King's and Renae's wedding anniversary, but nothing about this day felt special. Nothing about it felt as if it should be celebrated or talked about. So many years of love and laughter washed down the drain.

King sat in his living room staring at the blank tv screen. His spirit was heavier than usual today. He made a mistake but God was still rooting for him and talking to him. His spirit was in fight or flight mode, but why?

His eyes traveled to the picture of Renae. Did she really have the right to be this upset with him? Did she honestly have the right to push him away after doing so the first time?

He inhaled.

Why was it so easy for her to forget about the reason why he left? Why was it so easy for her to flip it back on him? Why was it so easy for her to forget that their marriage was going downhill long before he sought support elsewhere?

He exhaled and closed his eyes.

Why was nobody ever on his side? He was treated as if he were the devil. As if he's never put his life on the line. As if he never put his life on pause to help others. As if he never forgave those who didn't deserve to be forgiven. As if he never swallowed his pride just to put other's concerns before his.

He opened his eyes and tilted his head to the ceiling. Something was wrong.

Why was everyone so quick to side with Renae even when she was wrong? Why was it easier to hate and disown him but not her? Why was it so easy for them to whisper and stare but became quiet when she entered a room?

He clenched his fists.

Why was he an easy target? What was it about him that screamed: shoot me. Kick me while I'm down. Watch me drown. Why was it so much easier to walk over him but not her? Why would nobody listen to him?

He felt it... he was invisible unless they needed something. He wasn't allowed to feel. He wasn't allowed to hurt. He wasn't allowed to react. But... when they needed something, he gave. And when he gave, he gave with his all.

He stared at Renae's picture.

"Hey?" Ava placing her hand on his shoulder startled him.

Shaking off his thoughts, he glanced at her and she stuck her hand out. "Up."

King took a deep breath before standing and placed his hand into hers.

"It's been two weeks... I know it won't happen overnight, but you need to talk to her, Daddy," she grabbed his keys and jacket.

"She doesn't want me th—"

"So what?" She smiled sweetly. "Respectfully," she giggled and he playfully nudged her.

"I'm just saying... when has anyone really listened to you? Other than me, you sit in here talking to tha' walls... or is it God?" She squinted earning a chuckle from him.

He truly did appreciate how much she loved him.

"I don't care what they say, it's not their business... if they cared, they should have stopped her from pushing you away. If they cared, they should have made her reach out to you. They want to say something now but didn't want to say anything before any of dis happened," she was fuming. She wanted to line everyone up and go to work; her aunts included.

King just listened to her. It was odd how he got words of wisdom from his 15-year-old daughter.

"Like... I'm not trying to be disrespectful Daddy... but I do not care what any of dem have to say. Ok, you let dat lady do something to you... but did they ask why? Nope, so they can shove it— I mean, be quiet," she snickered and he smiled.

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