Chapter 47.)

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The constant vibrating of his phone disturbed Yae'Shawn's deep slumber. He's been so stressed about Reign's situation, he rarely slept. He was good at hiding his feelings and using basketball and his classes as a coping mechanism, but his pain and hurt were still very much there. Although he didn't think that it was his fault, there was a small voice that was often trying to convince him otherwise.

He hated that King cut off communication with him but he didn't blame him. If he were in King's shoes, as a father, he would feel some kind of way if his daughter's fiance withheld serious information.

Reign's life was in the palm of his hands and he allowed it to overflow until he could no longer stop things from leaking through the cracks. But it was life, it was about choices and trying to make the best out of things. He knew he should have told someone about how bad Reign's depression had gotten but he also made a promise, a bad promise to her that he wouldn't mention anything as long as she worked on herself.

Even through her fake smiles and fake laughter, Yae'Shawn knew that she was hurting and instead of going to someone for help, he watched the woman that he was deeply in love with break herself down. He forced her to pretend to be ok in order to remove the burdens from his shoulders. He was so afraid of losing her and hurting her that he turned a blind eye to her constantly crying out for help.

But still, she loved him.

She loved him yet he hated himself for not seeking help.

When his phone vibrated again, Yae'Shawn rolled over and tiredly grabbed his phone. "Yo?"

"Yo?" he could hear the frown in his grandmom's voice and it made him chuckle.

"My bad... hey Grams."

"That's better... I know it's early but your mom called... Reign is awake and she's supposed to go home today."

Yae'Shawn's brows creased in wonderment as he sat up and looked at the time. "What do you mean going home? Like with her parents?"

"Yeah..." her voice trailed off.

"When did she wake up?" he asked as he looked for his pants.

"Some time late last night... I only know because Renae called your mom and she called me."

Shaking his head, he slipped on his pants and grabbed his hoodie, "I take it OG didn't want me to know?"


"Yeah," he chuckled then shook his head. "I'll stop by."


"That is my fiancée," he reminded.

"Right... just be... be nice," she said and he laughed.

"I'm always nice... I'll talk to you later," he replied then hung up.

After getting himself together, he headed out ready to face anything that King would possibly throw his way. . .

"I'm excited for you to come back, it's been boring without you and I'm sick of Michelle yapping in my ear about her sneaky Daddy," Kayla vented to Ava as she helped her clean her room.

"She can't help it... I don't really blame her, I blame her father... he knows what he's doing," Ava replied and Kayla shook her head.

"He'll be the reason she ends up in fights... I don't like that sneaky mess. I don't care what kind of job he has or what kind of power he thinks he possesses, I'll make an example out of his daughter to teach his phony behind a lesson."

"Ahem," someone cleared their throat and Kayla and Ava turned around slowly.

"He... hey Mr. Capri,"

Stone's Diary: AvaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora