Chapter 56.) Just Say "Thank you"

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Against his better judgment, although he was tipsy but nowhere on the intoxicated level that King was on, Dajon drove King home hoping that their already eventful night wouldn't turn into a warzone. Being that King was still drunk, still in his feelings, and still trying to understand why he seemed so small compared to everyone else. They ended up drinking and talking for hours until night came and by 9:30, Dajon was hoping that King would sober up but it seemed that the simple thought of him going back home only made him drink and cry more.

Now, here Dajon was, struggling to hold King up as he knocked on the door and tried to get King to stop talking so loud.

"You... I'd be wrong to leave, right?" King asked for the millionth time as he stared at Dajon with bloodshot eyes.

"Stop talking," Dajon whispered as the porch light cut on before the locks turned.

"I should leav-"

"Bro," Dajon cut him off just as Renae opened the door, pure confusion written over her face.

King leaned into Dajon and attempted to whisper, "Wait for it," but Renae heard him.

Wanting to laugh but also knowing not to kick a hurt man while he was already down, Dajon just stared at his sister, "The kids sleep?"

"Something like that..." she answered, staring at King as he had trouble keeping his balance. "Is he drunk?"

"Yes. I. Am," King spoke slowly as he attempted to walk but Dajon grabbed him and gave Renae a warning look.

A little confused, Renae stepped back and cut the light on once Dajon entered the house.

"Bro... nigga, stand up," Dajon stressed when King leaned over the sofa.

"I'm good... right here," King waved him off as he began to slide down.

Renae walked over to help but Dajon shook his head and pulled King up as he began rambling.

"Take me to Ray," he mumbled.

"Oh nah... yo ass is drunk," Dajon shook his head as he used the wall to help them walk upstairs.

"So," King twisted his face up, "I... I can see my daughter, nigga."

Sighing, Dajon pinched the bridge of his nose, "You are drunk."

"And?" King's head whipped around as if that was the dumbest thing he's ever heard. "I'a do it myself," he attempted to walk ahead but tripped over his foot and almost fell but Dajon caught him.

"A'ight... just be quiet 'fore you wake the kids," Dajon stressed, hoisting him up.

The walk upstairs seemed longer than usual or maybe it was the fact that King kept trying to pull away and walk himself. Once upstairs, Dajon cut his eyes at Renae and she slowly walked to their room.

"Now look," Dajon leaned King against the wall outside of Reign's room. "Don't go in there being crazy... you ain't yourself right now and you might scare her... a'ight?"

"Whateverrr," King mugged him, barely paying attention to anything he was saying but still felt as if he should be offended.

Laughing to himself at King's failed attempt to straighten up, Dajon knocked on the door and waited a moment before opening it.

Turning over in bed, Reign squinted a bit until her eyes registered who the figures belonged to. Confused, she sat up, "Uncle D.J?"

"She 'ont see me?" King asked, hurt laced in his voice as he stared at Dajon then glanced at Reign, "You 'ont see me?"

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