Chapter 55.) Who's There for King?

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"Have you tried to talk with Kingston yet?" Fatima asked Karen. They had just left a church service and were on their way back to the house but Fatima was trying to get Karen to mend things with King, especially with everything that's been going on.

"He doesn't have space to hear my sob story," Karen replied and Fatima glanced at her momentarily.

"Kare... are we about to go down this route again?" Fatima queried and Karen sighed exasperatedly.

"Don't even," Fatima eyed her. "As someone who has raised a daughter and took in their only son, I know exactly how Kingston feels about you treating his wife better than him. You need to stop running and talk to him."

"I never in a million years would have ever thought dat we would be tha' way dat we are," Karen admitted and Fatima stared at her as if she'd grown an extra head.

"Kare... Kare... I love you... Jesus knows I do but you are running from something that you caused and that is not fair to that man. Imagine what's going through his mind. His firstborn tried to kill herself. Before that, he was trying to keep his wife safe from her crazy stepfather who pretended to be her father. Now, I'm not bashing you or trying to say I know your business, but these are things you told me. He watched his wife get shot on camera and thought she was dead.... all of their kids have some part of her disorders and for some reason, you don't feel the need to ease his heart? Come on now."

Remaining quiet for a moment, Karen stared out the window then sighed, "I guess you could drop me off there after we eat."

"Don't go in there guns blazing, ready for war even if he isn't welcoming. That man has been taking the world on his shoulders alone and I say, he has every right to be upset with whomever. Shoot, if I were him, I wouldn't want to see the sight of day anymore. You all are headaches," Fatima said and Karen frowned.

"Now... I may have acted not tha' best but I always worried about his wellbeing."

Fatima glanced at her then chuckled, "Yeah, ok."

"Now hold up," Karen said. "Don't even do dat."

Deciding not to comment too much, Fatima remained quiet as she focused on driving. She loved her best friend but Lord knows she was ready for Karen to get back home and get right with King. She was never one to kick a person while they were down but to Fatima, Karen had no reason to feel upset or disappointed, but King had the right to feel how he did. . .

"Who's at the door?" Dajon asked Ary from the kitchen as he and Dante worked on dinner.

"Looks like Kingston's car," she replied before peeking out the window, "It's him."

Dajon furrowed his brows, "Something must've happened."

Ary opened the door and stared at King confused, "Hey."

"Hey," he mumbled, barely looking at her. "Dajon here?"

"Kitchen," she answered, closing the door once he stepped inside.

Removing his shoes, King slid his hands into his pocket and walked toward the kitchen.

"Uncle KINGGGG!" Dante beamed, hopping down from his step stool.

"Wassup, kiddo?" King picked him up once he ran over.

"You look sad... who did it?" he frowned his face up and King cracked a smile.

"I'm a'ight..." King glanced at a curious Dajon, "Can I talk to you?"

Ary wasn't liking the vibe she was getting and became nervous. Walking over, she grabbed Dante, "Let's finish cooking."

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