Chapter 14.)

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It was May 28th, it's been two weeks since the incident, and Ava has been doing her best in keeping King away from the house. He had no idea if Trouble was still there or not, but gave him the benefit of the doubt of leaving when told. King wasn't on speaking terms with his mom and kept his distance from the rest of the family. Renae would call just to check on him and he appreciated that.

He knew she wanted him back in the house, but he wanted her to fight for him to come back. He was tired of always being the one to beg to come back or just act as if nothing ever happened just to keep her happy. He was tired of disrespecting his peace.

He missed her, but he was content with missing her from a distance. He loved her but was ok with loving her from a distance. She hurt him and he hurt her but he needed to feel as if she was really fighting for their marriage. He wanted to feel and believe that she was fighting to stay and stick things through.

He was in no way excusing his actions, but he said it once and he'd say it again: he only looked for support and attention elsewhere because he felt unseen by his wife and family.

Did that give him a right to allow another woman to touch him in a way that was only meant for his wife? No. But what he couldn't get from his wife, he looked elsewhere.

He just wanted to be reminded that he was appreciated and not invisible. Joie, sadly made him feel appreciated and worthy. She made him laugh. She made him smile. She made forced him to take care of himself. But... she also fucked up by admitting to using him, and that fucked him up.

But he wouldn't fully blame her, he used her to see Renae, even if it was in the form of flashbacks. He allowed her to give him fellatio just to fantasize about Renae. But still, he went to her for help and she manipulated his mind.

She saw him coming before he even knew it and that's where he messed up at.

It was 7:30 in the morning and King was up trying to figure out why Ava didn't wake him up so he could drop her off at school. It was a Friday and her history teacher was having a party before their spring break started next week.

"Lil mama?" King knocked on her bedroom door and waited a few seconds before opening it.

Ava was knocked the hell out with one of his chains laying on her pillow and her teddy bear close by. King smiled at the sight as he entered the room and closed her curtains before laying next to her and just stared.

He had moments where he thought that she would reach a certain age and just push him to the side as the twins did, but the older she became, the more attached she became. He always imagined that all of his kids would always love and want to be in space just to be around him, but when reality hit that that's not how it goes, it broke his heart.

His first pair of kids, daughters at that, grew up and ventured on. He still checked on the twins but at times, Reign would never answer and she was ignoring him even more after she found out about what happened. Kaari on the other hand still called and answered when he called.

Then he had Assyria, the youngest of the bunch who used always want to be under him acting as if he had killed her best friend or something.

He had to get Kairo in line, there was no letting things go and using an excuse that he was upset that King left. His actions were turning into disrespect and it was rubbing off on Assyria, but he'd take care of that once he went back for good.

Then there was Ava; the miracle baby, she came out of the womb sassy but he loved every bit of her personality. He always thought that she would somehow try to act like the twins. He used to feel as if she was lost and unsure of herself until he realized that she loved arts and crafts and crime shows. The crime shows played a key role in her intelligence, that and reading books whenever she could.

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