Chapter 34.) Round 2!

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"Zuriiiiii!" Laiya squealed as she ran into Renae's arms. It was the same day but an hour or so after the incident. Renae wasn't informed about it yet nor were there any missed calls or texts from Ary.

"Hi baby girl, how are you?" Renae picked her up and kissed her chubby cheeks.

Giggling, Laiya messed with Renae's cute curls and her eyes sparkled, "You got your hair done?"

"I just washed it," Renae laughed at her observation.

"Can you answer my question tho?" she added as she walked inside and Bryson followed.

While Laiya told Renae all about her day, Bryson sat down and Renae sat next to him and continued listening to Laiya tell her about her day.

"How are things with you?" Renae glanced over at her father as Laiya got comfortable on her lap and became engrossed in the tv.

"Pretty good... I um... y'know, called it quits with you know who," he gave her a look and Renae's eyes bucked.

"What? Why? I mean... wow.... how come?" she was shocked and Bryson chuckled.

"I can't do it... E v e... she just, I don't Zuri, I just can't go further with you know who because E v e seems to have motives."

Renae remained quiet for a moment. She wasn't sure if he was aware of the mess Eve has been causing but it sounded as if he had a clue. Renae whispered to Laiya and Laiya smiled hopping down and ran into the kitchen to get her a treat.

"What do you mean? I thought you were happy with Lucy... what does Eve have to do with your feelings?" she whispered.

"Lu doesn't tell me much, but when we do have our usual weekly talks, she brings Eve up and then switches the topic when she realizes that she said some stuff she shouldn't have," he explained.

"Stuff like what?"

Bryson sighed, "I don't think she's over D.J, and for some reason, he can't seem to get the hint that she's manipulating him. Lu did tell me one night that Eve came to her upset because D.J. told her that he would communicate with Lu or me about Lay. I didn't pay it any mind. In fact, I was shocked because I've been trying to get him to understand that he didn't need to have any communication with her just to see his sister. For some reason, he had drilled in his mind but that he needed her approval or some mess."

Renae shook her head.

"Am I wrong for doing that?" he asked and Renae could see that it was hurting him.

"Do you love her?" she queried.

Bryson was quiet for a moment then nodded, "I do... but I feel guilty for loving her because of what we did."

Renae understood.

"Get her back... take it from me, don't allow Eve's mess to fuck up what you two have going on. Lucy... I like her for you, I just wish that you two didn't do what you did. But she's good for you. Don't worry about Eve, I'll handle her and D.J. You deserve to be happy. You could marry Lucy and none of us will ever acknowledge Eve because she's morphed into this wicked person, and she's very sneaky," she told him and Bryson agreed.

"Do you think D.J. will fall for her trap?" he asked.

"Nah, know better. I got in that ass but if he hasn't learned yet, trust me, Ary will handle him and I'll be front and center cheering her on. He keeps underestimating her and so does Eve. Ary is sweet as pie but she also doesn't take any shit. She and I had some words a few years ago and I never got upset, it made me respect her because I realized that she knew how to defend herself if it boiled down to it. I don't know how many times I have to tell people to stop sleeping on the quiet, sweethearts. Those the ones that will choke you in your damn sleep and will go back to bed until they feel like calling the cops. Eve gonna learn and so will Dajon. You worry about yourself because you have a daughter to take care of and love on."

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