Chapter 33

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Bella’s P.O.V.

I walked downstairs the next morning with Harry dragging his feet right behind me. I stumbled down the stairs and over to the kitchen. Wait. I backed up out of the kitchen door frame and bumped into Harry. He mumbled something and pushed past me his eyes still sleepy, Harry wasn’t a morning person!

But was I seeing things? Zoe and Niall… in the same room… on the same couch… next to each other. “Harry!” I hissed popping my head into the kitchen beckoning him over. He placed his orange juice glass down and walked over to me. I pointed to where they were and he gasped.

“Oh my gosh like so amazing!” He said in a sarcastic tone.

“Clearly they made up! You know what that means Mr. Sarcasm…” I said raising an eyebrow at him. He shook his head and waited for what I had to say. “Better chance of me moving in…” I whispered smirking.

“WOOO!” He shouted and of course the two woke up.

“What the-“ Niall groaned sitting up causing Zoe to roll off the couch onto the floor.  “Oh hey guys!” He smiled waving at us.

“Ow…” I heard Zoe mutter as she lay still on the floor. Niall started laughing loudly as he looked over at Zoe who was face down on the floor.

“Aw poor Zoe.” He chuckled helping her up. What happened last night…

“Morning.” I heard Liam yawn and saw all the boys walking down behind him.

“GUESS WHAT TOMORROW IS?!” Louis shouted way to loud for this early.

He jumped over the sofa and bounced around the living room following us all into the kitchen where we took our seats.

“HALLOWEEN!” He squealed running over to Zoe and hugging her.

“Louis!!!” She whined pushing him off her. He leaned in close to her and a mischievous grin fell onto her lips. Oh no that reminds me… tonight was mischief night…

“I LOVE HALLOWEEN!” She laughed loudly pushing Louis playfully. Liam just rolled his eyes and told them to go sit down while him and Harry made breakfast for us all.

“So nialler how did dropping Demi off go? No crazy fans I hope!” Zayn laughed and I noticed both Niall and Zoe tensed up a bit. “You came home late yeah? Didn’t even hear ya come in!”

“Uh yeah. You guys don’t need to worry about her anymore.” Niall laughed dryly. “We’re done…”

“Ye- Aw Niall…” I pouted getting up and walking over to him draping my arms over his shoulders.

“It’s fine. I was wrong about her… I made a mistake.” His eyes flickered over to Zoe who was too busy mushing around her bowl of cereal.  “A big mistake…” He mumbled staring intently at her. Oh no.

After Liam and Harry finished making breakfast we all went to the dining room to eat it. I sighed and sat down next to Harry. “So…” He spoke up looking at everyone.

“What’s up Haz?” Zayn asked buttering his pancaks.

“Well I believe Zoe and Bella have a decision to make, correct?” He asked looking over at me. I nodded and looked at Zoe. I never actually talked to her about it but I’ve talk to the boys about it.

“Zoey is moving in right?!” Louis grinned happily at Zoe. Zoe looked up at Louis then over at me and then to Niall.

“Well…” I trailed waiting for her to hop in.

“Yep.” She smiled at me and I felt my heart beat flutter. Thank goodness she said yes!

“Yay!” All the boys cheered and Louis took it upon himself to climb onto the table shortly followed by Zayn. They began dancing and it was quite amusing to be honest.

“Alright, Alright let’s go settle things down and figure everything out.” Harry chuckled helping Zayn down from the table.

“Zoe catch me.” Louis said to Zoe who was stood at the end of the table, oh no. She shrugged and held out her arms waiting for him to jump. “Woo!” He shrieked jumping into her arms. The next thing I heard was a blood curdling scream and saw Zoe on the floor.

“Louis get your fat ass off of my arm!” She cried. He got up quickly and looked down.

“That doesn’t look too good…” Harry said stating the obvious.

“Of course it doesn’t her bloody bone is sticking out!” Liam shouted running to Zoe’s side. “Zoe you alright?”

She gave him a ‘are you kidding me’ look, “Oh of course I’m not my damn bone is out of my arm and OW!” She cried as Liam helped her up.

“Shhh, let’s go.” Niall hushed her slinging his arm around her helping her toward the door.

“Harry, you, Bella and Zayn and Louis stay here and… figure everything out for the girls too move in. Niall and I will take Zoe to the ER.” Liam ordered and we nodded as we walked into the kitchen to finish cleaning up.

“Only Zoe.” I muttered shaking my head.

Niall’s P.O.V.

I sat in the back seat of the car holding Zoe close to me as she cried at the sight of her arm. It was really gross and she kept saying she was going to throw up and pass out at the sight of it. I tried to keep her from looking at it but it wasn’t working!

“Zoe don’t look at it.” I whispered tapping her chin for her too look up.

“I-It hurts-s.” She sobbed clenching her forearm. “L-look at-t it Ni.” She said looking at me. The next thing I knew, all her weight was on me.

“Zoe… Zoe!” I shook her. Great she fainted!  “Liam! She fainted.” I sighed sitting her up straight.

“Argh, let’s go we’re here.” He said quickly slipping out of the car. I took Zoe and picked her up in my arms walking fast behind Liam into the emergency room which to our surprise was empty! “Uh excuse me please help us.” The nurse looked up and over at me as I held a limp Zoe in my arms.

“Yes yes! Come boys!” She hurried us down a hall into a room and I placed Zoe down on the bed pushing her hair out of her face. “No you must go!” She shooed us out as doctors came in.

“But-“ We protested but the door was slammed into our faces.

“C’mon Ni, let’s go wait.” Liam sighed patting my back as we walked to the waiting room. Ugh…

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