Chapter 42

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“Come here pretty girl.” Chris smirked crashing his lips to mine. I tried desperately to get away from him, not kiss him back anything. His hands roamed all over my body and I couldn’t do anything. “Don’t fight it.” He hissed slamming his body into mine, his hands slipping into my pants.

I tried to kick him but nothing he wasn’t fazed... he laughed. He pressed his lips harder to mine as he pulled my pants down the cold air hitting my bare legs. I moved my head around trying to get his lips off of mine. “Now, now you’re going to hurt yourself love.” He said caressing my face wiping away a tear. He tore my underwear from me and stared at me, my vulnerableness taken to a new level.

“Get away from her now.” I heard a husky voice shout. That didn’t stop Chris though, it only made him work faster. I saw Harry running toward him and he looked pissed. “I said get off of her!” He screamed grabbing Chris by his shoulders and throwing him to the ground.

I watched as Harry hit Chris over and over again with absolutely no mercy at all. I ripped the cloth from my mouth and it fell somewhere, I couldn’t see a damn thing it was so dark. I could only see the shadows of Harry and Chris.

“Harry….” I cried and he stopped running over to me.

“Bella… Bella are you okay…” He asked pulling me into his chest. I didn’t respond I just pulled him tighter to me. He let go of me for a second and bent down handing me my jeans.

“Thank you.” I whispered pulling them on quickly.

“I’m so sorry this is my fault… I shouldn’t have left you alone… I can’t b-“

“Harry it’s now your fault. You didn’t know that was going to happen… I didn’t either clearly. Can we please just go…” I whispered looking up at him.

Harry’s P.O.V.

I was sat at the camp fire talking to Niall an some other lads when I turned around and noticed Bella was gone. I began to panic… where was she?! “Be right back lads…” I said standing up. I rushed over to where she was sitting and noticed one of her toms was on the ground… but just one?

I walked back towards the woods when I heard a muffled scream and my heart beat sped up. What if that was Bella? I began to run in the direction I heard it and when I got closer my blood began to boil.

There was a man, he had Bella pinned up to a tree touching her. That’s all I could make out.

My feet carried me faster and faster and as I got closer and closer I noticed Bella was half naked that just infuriated me more. I ran up to the guy and pulled him off her throwing him to the ground. I sat on top of him punching him over and over again all my anger coming out.

“Harry…” I heard Bella whisper and I immediately stopped and got up hurrying over to her. I pulled her close to my chest and rubbed her back soothingly.

“Bella… Bella are you okay…” I asked pulling her closer into my chest. She didn’t respond she just pulled me tighter to her. I let go of her for a second and bent down handing her, her jeans.

“Thank you.” She whispered pulling them on quickly.

“I’m so sorry this is my fault… I shouldn’t have left you alone… I can’t b-“

“Harry it’s now your fault. You didn’t know that was going to happen… I didn’t either clearly. Can we please just go…” She whispered looking up at me. I nodded and looped my arm over her shoulder. “Wait what about Chris?” She questioned.

“Don’t worry about him, I have it covered.” I told her rubbing her arm soothingly. We walked back over to the camp fire and I told Niall we were going to head back home. Bella said goodbye to all her friends and I grabbed her shoes giving them back to her.

Zoe’s P.O.V

Harry and Bella left about an hour ago but Niall and I were still going strong. He got along with most of the guys better than I did! I’ve had well over 15 drinks and I’m not sure what’s going on… by the looks of it neither does Niall.

“Zoe let’s head home…” He slurred walking over to me. I gave him a thumbs up and said bye to everyone as did Niall.

As we were walking out of the park Niall grabbed my hand swinging it back and forth. “I love you Zoe… I really do!” He exclaimed loudly, he was way more drunk than me.

“I love you too Ni.” I giggled. He stopped suddenly and pushed me up against the fence.

“No I really love you.” He said his voice deep as he looked hard into my eyes.

“Niall… I know you do…” I giggled placing my hands on his firm chest.

“No you don’t. You don’t realize how much I fucking love you…. Cause it’s a lot more than you think…” He growled placing his hand on my cheek.

“Okay Ni… let’s go home.” I sighed stepping forward pressing my lips to his.

“Okay!” He laughed taking my hand and dragging me down the street. What just happened?

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