Chapter 2

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I woke up early and left Harry's arms sadly. That was the best sleep I have ever gotten. I walked in and saw Zoe with her dress pulled up so her under shorts were showing… how graceful. Niall was still lying next to her with is arm spread across the bed. A totally hilarious sight, I pulled out my phone and took a picture. It was hilarious and I laughed to myself. I went into the bathroom and brushed my hair and washed my face. It was almost 10 o'clock and me and Zoe were supposed to go sigh seeing.

"Hello is anyone in there?" I heard someone say at the door. I opened it to find Harry. "Oh! Hello Isabella!" He said smiling. His hair was all messy and he was only in a pair of sweatpants.

"Hi Harry." He looked amazing, his abs were so defined I couldn't help but to check him out.

"Like what you see babe?" He said cheekily laughing. I blushed and turned around.

"Well Niall is over here…" I said bringing Harry inside.

"Wow what a sight! She is quite the graceful gal isn't she?" Harry said laughing. The rest of the boys found us and came in. We all just stood and laughed at the sight of these two passed out on the bed with half their clothes off.

"Does anyone remember what happened last night?" Louis said walking around the room and finally sitting on the other bed.

"Yeah Niall and Zoe sang karaoke and got kicked out because Niall was jumping on the stereo and Zoe climbed up on the bar. Then Harry and Isabella started falling on top of each other causing other people to fall as well." Liam said laughing. "Louis and Zayn started some chant about Alligators and we all ended up walking home because no one would get in the cab!"

"Wow what an eventful first night." I said laughing. Zoe started to wake up and she rubbed her eyes as the light shone through the window.

"What the hell happened last night?" She sat up and rubbed her head clearly more hung over than any of us. I to had a pounding head ache and the rest of the boys, beside Niall who was still asleep, took loads of medicine. Even Liam said he had a headache from the loud music.

"Well we all had some fun last night." I said walking over to her and fixing her dress because she still hadn't noticed.

"Nice panties." Louis said stifling his laughter.

"Oh shut up before I slap you." She said groggily walking up to go to the bathroom. Before she stood up she noticed Niall next to her. "Wait we- what happened, why is he there?" She said pointing at Niall still spread completely out across the bed.

"Nothing happen just go take a shower you smell awful." I told her and I needed a shower to, badly!

"Well what are your ladies plans for today?" Harry asked as he plopped down on the bed.

"Well we are supposed to go sightseeing." I said looking through the brochures.

"Perfect we will be your guides." Zayn said standing up. "Meet us down in the lobby in one hour sharp!"

"Woah where am I?" Niall said sitting up.

"Save it bud, we got to go get ready. You can catch up with your lover later." Louis said picking him up. Niall just shrugged and walked out of the room.

We got ready pretty quickly. I had on a pair of denim shorts with a white top with the British flag on it that was loose and a pair of white toms. Zoe had on black shorts with a neon green tank top that said 'I love Irish boys' and black toms.

She clearly remembered nothing from last night. We walked down stairs to find the boys waiting for us.

"Perfect timing." Harry said walking over to us. "Well we are going to take a train down to a street fair which in America could also be known as a carnival or boardwalk type scene.

"Well sounds good." I said walking towards the door when Harry grabbed my hand.

"Izzy watch Park ore!" Zoe said as she jumped down the stairs on to a little wall and attempted to balance before busting ass right on the side walk.

"Nice wipe out!" I yelled to her almost about to pee my pants laughing.

"Just shut up." She said standing up brushing herself off. We walked to the train station and got on the train. I sat next to Harry, Liam and Louis sat next to each other and Zayn laid down falling asleep because he had the worse hang over probably. Niall and Zoe sat next to each other and had no idea about anything that happened!

"Hey Bella look at this." Harry said showing me his phone. Wait did he just call me Bella? A nickname oh my gosh fangirling so hard on the inside.

"What is it?" I said calmly.

"A video of Niall and Zoe singing." He said laughing. We watched the video and almost peed are pants.

"What's so funny?" Niall asked with a confused look on his face.

"Check this out." Harry handed him the phone and Niall and Zoe watched the video awe struck.

"Wow." They both said after the video ended.

"Well YOLO!" Zoe screamed an me and her both died of laughter.

The rest of the train ride was fun me and Zoe were pranking people on the train. Like Zoe sat next to a guy and started singing what makes you beautiful to him. I sat between a couple and started barking and when we left the train we couldn't control our laughter.

"Biggest YOLO moment ever!" I yelled to Zoe who was on the ground grabbing her side because she was laughing so hard.

"Anyway let's go find some good rides... Oh shat the paparazzi!" Harry whispered.

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