Chapter 36

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After we got off the phone with Zayn they sent us back to the cell. Zayn said he would try his best to keep it on the downlow and come get us…

“So what are you two in for?” A boy with dark hair asked me.

“Uh we egged and teppee’d some guys house.” I told him. He smirked and chuckled shaking his head.

“Nice… mustn’t have done a good job if you got caught.” He retorted.

“We did just fine. What the hell are you in for then?” I growled at him crossing my arms.

“Uh, just spray painted ‘school sucks dick’ on the side of the highschool.” He laughed and looked proud of himself.

“Amateur.” I muttered under my breath. “You call that a prank? Try letting four hogs loose in your school and putting numbers on them. 1,2,3,and 5. Skip four so they think their missing one, priceless.” I giggled recalling my brother and I’s senior prank.

“Hm, not bad.” The kid nodded approvingly. “I’ll have to use that. By the way I’m nick.”

“Zoe and this is Louis.” I gestured over to Louis and he gave a slight wave. We talked a little longer till we heard a door open. I quickly stood up and ran over to the bars of the cell. My smile soon turned to a frown when I saw everyone walk in and not just Zayn.

“Sorry.” Zayn mouthed to me. I slumped over and turned back around to Louis who looked scared.

“Alright you two, you’re out of here.” The officer said pulling out his keys.

“On second thought… can we stay?” I pleaded him looking over at a pissed…. Everyone.

“No let’s go.” He opened the cell an I dragged my feet out with Louis right behind me.

“Thank you officer.” Izzy smiled as she pushed me out. We walked outside over to the car and everyon climbed in.

Harry and Izzy in the fron. Louis, me and Zayn in the middle and Niall and Liam in the back.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Liam asked his voice angry.

“We didn’t think we’d get caught.” Louis mumbled looking out the window. I on the other hand didn’t feel sorry at all, I had fun!

“We go on tour soon and the paps already have everything they need and Zoe… XFactor!” Liam continued ranting but I blocked him out. Annoying. Then Izzy started yelling about how it was irresponsible of us.

“Can you stop yelling! You yelling at us won’t change anything! It’s done and over with so shut up!” I shouted and the whole car fell silent for the rest of the way home.

“Zoe…” Niall said as we walked up to the house.

“What?!” I snapped at him my mood on fire right now. He looked taken back.

“Uh I just wanted to say uh… never mind, night.” He mumbled quickly before hurrying into the house. I shook my head and walked into the house quickly. I walked up stairs into the bathroom and rummaged through the cabinets for advil.

“Zoe… nice job tonight.” Louis said popping his head in the bathroom. I giggled and he said goodnight before walking away.

Maybe it was worth the trouble we got in… wait of course it was!

~1 month later~

“Ah we leave for tour in a week!” Louis screamed as he ran around the house like a mad man. I sighed an sunk down into the couch. “And Zoe leaves for boot camp in a week!”

Lucky GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon