Chapter 12

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When I got back to the hotel room Zoe was lying on the bed watching funniest home videos laughing hysterically.

"Oh hey Izzy didn't even realize you walked in." She looked over and smiled at me.

"Yeah… why didn't you stay over by us?" I took a seat next to her on the bed.

"Well I don't know. Thought I would be better off here alone."

"Why? Wouldn't you want to spend time with Niall?"

"Yeah I would. Every time I am with him though he is on his phone and it's annoying. I don't know who he is texting but clearly they're more important than me." She kept her eyes glued to the television screen.

"Yeah I know." I whispered under my breath. I walked back over to my bed and got under the covers. It kills me right now that I can't say anything to Zoe. I closed my eyes and tried to take a little nap. It was only 6 o'clock but I felt like shit.

Zoe's P.O.V.

I saw Izzy had fallen asleep so I turned back over to ENews. I was watching it before and it said something about Niall and Demi.

"Welcome back to ENews. Before the break we mentioned a little celeb to celeb chatting. During Demi's interview she leaked that her and Niall still talk all the time! But wait what about girlfriend Zoe? Does she know?"

Interviewer: So Demi how has things been going?

Demi: Really well. My career is finally where I want it allowing me some time with my personal life.

Interviewer.: That's great. Anything new in your personal or love life?

Demi: Well not really. I am talking to this really sweet guy and things are going great.

Interviewer: Who might this really sweet guy be?

Demi: Uh Niall from One Direction…

Interviewer: Really? Are you aware of his girlfriend?

Demi: Oh right… yeah I know he has one. We are just talking as friends….

Yeah okay. That sure wasn't a convincing answer. I couldn't believe what I was watching.

Interviewer: Does Niall talk about his girlfriend to you?

Demi: Not really. She has come up a few times. He says that he is a nice girl but nothing much more.

Interviewer: Interesting. Well thank you Demi for stopping by.

Demi: My pleasure.

"You see that viewers. Looks like there is a bit of fire! Next did Bradgelina adopt a new baby?"

I walked over to where my shoes were. I don't know where I am going but I need some fresh air. I walked down the street to a park. I walked along the path just thinking. I don't want to confront Niall about this… should I just wait for him to say something? If he even does say something. I don't get why he is going out with me while he is talking to Demi. I mean if you don't like me then fine dump me! Go run along with Demi! The problem was I didn't want Niall to break up with me… I actually like him a lot. He isn't like the other boys I dated. He was the kind of boys you are proud to take home to your parents. My other boyfriends… they weren't. He knows how to treat a girl I can tell. Sure we haven't gone on any dates yet but I am sure we will soon… I don't know I am just really confused on what's going on.

Bella's P.O.V.

I woke up two hours later and looked around a empty hotel room. Where was Zoe? The television was on the channel ENews was on. Oh no she saw it. I put on more presentable clothes an went over to the boys hotel room.

"Oh hi Bella!" Harry greeted as he opened the door.

"Hey uh have you seen Zoe?"

"Uh nope why?"

"Well I fell asleep and she was in the room. Then I woke up and she wasn't… the channel that was on was the ENews channel."

"Uh come inside." I walked past Harry and went to sit on the bed.

"Where is everyone?"

"Oh Louis, Liam and Zayn went down to some restaurant for dinner. Niall is in the kitchen video chatting with someone."


"I don't know." I walked over to the kitchen entrance unnoticed by Niall. I peered at the screen and it was a girl with blondish hair and pink tips but I couldn't make out who it was exactly. Harry came up behind me and looked to. He pulled my wrist back and brought me over by the beds. "That's Demi."

"Harry! Why is he on video chat with her?" I said a little too loud.

"I don't know. Now he is starting to annoy me. He needs to make up his mind. He cannot be talking to two girls. Especially when one his girlfriend… oh right where is Zoe?"

"Harry I don't know! Come on." I grabbed his hand and we walked out of the hotel room. When we got down to the lobby I brought him onto the street. I tried to think of where she may be… I decided to try the park first.

"You really think she is here?"

"No. I know she is here. Look she is right there." I saw Zoe sitting on a rock by the lake. Harry and I walked down to make sure it was definitely her. "Zoe?" She turned around and her eyes were a bit puffy.

"Hey guys." I sat down next to her and Harry sat next to me.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I am fine." She forced a smile onto her face.

"Shut up." She looked at me confused. "I know you saw the ENews special. It's okay." I pulled her into an awkward side hug.

"Could that be classified as cheating?"

"No I don't think so… but something like that." I laughed a little.

"I think it can. Talking to another girl while he has a girlfriend." Harry scoffed.

"Harry please. Zoe don't worry Niall will talk to you."

"Well I hope so. I don't want to date someone who doesn't even like me." She said coldly.

"No he likes you…"

"Yeah and I like Demi." She said sarcastically.

"Let's just go back to the hotel its dark." We all got up and walked back to the hotel in silence. When we got off the elevator the boys were in the hallway playing with a soccer ball.

"Hey guys and Zoe!" Louis shouted smirking at us.

"Not in the mood Louis." She went into our room and shut the door.

"Woah what's her problem?"

"Nothing…" I followed her into the room. "Night Harry." I gave him a kiss and shut and locked the door.

Harry's P.O.V.

"Niall you really need to figure your shit out. Zoe saw that ENews thing about Demi and she isn't happy. I've never seen her so out of it. Figure your shit out and do it quick before you hurt someone." I walked into our hotel room and plopped onto my bed. I laid there sitting at the ceiling. I'm just glad my relationship isn't in that state…. Niall… his needs some work and fast.

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