Chapter 14

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Zoe’s P.O.V.

Once we finished unpacking and everything we decided to go for some lunch downstairs. I picked up my phone and saw I had a text message from my mom.

Hey honey! We miss you! Isabella’s mom and I will be out this weekend! Cannot wait to see you!

Miss you too mom! Can’t wait.

I could wait to be honest. I loved my mom but there was a reason I moved out here and Izzy felt the same way. I guess one weekend couldn’t hurt.

“Hello my name is Nicole I live next to you guys.” A girl with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes said. She walked up to us and I shut the door to our dorm. “Hey your Bella and Zoe… the girlfriends!” She squealed excitedly.

“Yeah that’s us.” I groaned as we started walking away not wanting to deal with this.

“Oh my you guys are like the luckiest girls ever!” She continued to walk next to us as we made our way downstairs.

“Yep. I guess so.” Izzy rolled her eyes as we started down the stairs.

“When is the last time you saw them?” Nicole asked as she followed closely behind us.

“About an hour ago.”

“Wait you mean they were here? In your room! I missed it!”

“Yeah… well it was nice talking to you we’re going to get lunch. See you around Nicole.”

“Okay yeah sure! Bye guys!” She skipped back up the stairs.

“You know she won’t be the first.” I zzy said as we reached the cafeteria.

“Yeah I know.” The cafeteria was big. A lot of people were in it considering most people came in this week to get settled into their dorms. We grabbed a tray and moved down the line to get our food. “It is going to be so awkward when people find out.”

“Yeah… oh well!” Izzy sighed. “Come on let’s sit over here.” I followed her over to a table near the back of cafeteria. We sat down and began eating our lunch when two boys came up to us.

“Hey ladies. We were sitting over there with the other guys.” He pointed to a table full of jocks. “And couldn’t help but see you two beautiful girls sitting alone.”

“We’re not sitting alone. I am sitting with her and she is sitting with me.” I told the guy as he took it upon himself to sit down.

“Ah we got a smart ass over here.” He winked at me. “Why don’t you two pretty girls join us?”

“No thank you.” Izzy told the guy not making eye contact.

“Oh come on! Get to know us! I promise we don’t bite!”

“But you smell…” I said under my breath. They both wore way too much cologne and it was over powering. Izzy shot me a death stare but I couldn’t help it!

“No thank you. We have boyfriends.” Izzy said to the kid.

“Really? Well that’s a shame. You would be so much better with me.” He brought his hand over to Izzy’s and placed on top of hers. She quickly took her hand out from under his.

“Don’t touch her. She said she had a boyfriend and he is way better than…” I looked the kid up and down with pure disgust on my face. “You.”

“Who is this pretty little boyfriend of your huh?”

“Harry Styles.”

“Oh! That pop star kid? Figures. Hey I thought he was gay.” The two boys started laughing.

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