Chapter 28

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Zoe’s P.O.V.

I walked out of the bathroom and down the hall passing Niall’s room. I heard a low giggle and put my ear to the door. “I know right, he isn’t even my type. It’s all just publicity. I’m finally starting to get people to like me and that’s great. Once my new album debuts I’ll be gone and done with him. Yeah they’re all buying it, all those acting years paid off.” I heard Demi laugh. That bitch.

I clenched my fists and huffed walking down the hall to see everyone playing fuse ball. “You alright Zoe?” Nathan asked looking at me worried.

“Uh yeah, fine.” I said putting on the best smile I could. I knew there was something off about …. ‘Nemi’.

“Great come play with us, you can be on my team!” Louis shouted and I skipped over to him taking my place. I looked across the table giving my brother Evan the ‘it’s on’ face before me and Louis completely smashed Evan and Liam.

“Yeah baby!” Louis shouted and we both chest bumped… not a good idea.

“Ow boobs.” I muttered bending over and holding my boobs. I heard Izzy let out a loud laugh and straightened up. “Hey shut it girlie!” I giggled pointing at Izzy.

We all heard laughing and I turned around to see Niall and Zack walking down the hall… what happened in there.

“Aye mates!” Niall chuckled coming over and slapping Liam playfully on the back. Liam gave him this weird confused smile and I’m sure all our faces mirrored it.

“What?” Zack asked shifting awkwardly.

“Nothing… uh… Harry, dinner what’s going on!?” Zayn spoke up and everyone looked at Harry. He just shrugged and pit his lip thinking.

“Nandos it is, alright let’s go!” Niall laughed walking toward the door. We all agreed and followed him to the front hall.

“Demi!” He called up the stairs. After a moment she appeared there and I shuddered.

“Yes babe?” She grinned at him, gross.

“We are going out to nandos, care to join?”

“I’d love to.” She giggled as she bounced down each step. I rolled my eyes and pushed past everyone walking out of the house.

“Zoe what’s up with you?” Izzy asked breathlessly as she caught up to me.

“I’ll talk to you later about it okay?” She nodded and we walked over to Harry’s car.

“Alright uhm, I’ll take Zoe and the brothers along with Bella and Louis you take the rest.” Harry ordered and everyone nodded getting into which ever car they were told to. I squished in between  Nathan and Evan all the way in the back and Izzy and Zack sat in the row in front of us, Harry driving.

“Cars here are sooo weird.” Evan chuckled staring out the window.

“Evan it’s just the opposite side of the road…” I sighed looking at him.

Harry turned on the radio and Give you heart a break came on making me groan. Zack looked back giving me a ‘don’t worry about it’ look but I just shook him off.

“Zoe… Zoe… Zoe… Zoe…” Nathan poked me.

“What!?” I snapped at him.

“Hi!” He smiled waving at me. I groaned and placed my head back in my hands. And to think I actually missed this?

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