Chapter 29

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We pulled up at Nando’s and I practically flung myself out of that car. “Rough ride Zoeypoo?” Louis asked ruffling my hair. I humphed and stalked into the restaurant.

“Table for… 11?” I said to the waitress. She gave me a weird, disgusted look before walking towards the back of the restaurant.

“Here you go.” She spat at me as she threw the menu’s on the table.

“Ayyy!” Everyone shouted walking in the room and she flashed them all a huge grin.

“Hi I’m Maggie, your waitress!”

“Hey Maggie!” They all replied bustling around the table.

“I want to sit next to Zoe!” Evan complained as Nathan pushed him out of the way. The waitress stood there shooting me daggers until finally everyone got seated.

“Drinks anyone?” She smiled.

Everyone ordered and she pranced away back into the kitchen. I searched over the menu and decided on something light… hm salad it is!

“Oh man, I am so jet lagged!” Nathan groaned throwing his head into his hands. I giggled remembering that feeling only a few months ago.

“Aw my poor wittle brotha!” I cooed hugging him.

“Zoeypoo I’m older than you!” He laughed pinching my cheeks.

“Only by like three minutes!” I pouted. I felt a pair of eyes on me and looked over a little to see Niall staring intently at me. He quickly looked away burying his face in his menu.

“Okay here are your drinks!” Maggie grinned placing them down in front of everyone leaving me for last, the bitch probably spat in it! She went to reach over to place it down but instead she decided to place it elsewhere…. In my lap! “I am so sorry!”

“Come on!” I cried standing up and pushing the cloth off my lap.

“I am so sorry si- I mean ma’am.” She said smugly. “Can I get you another drink?”

“No thank you.” I spat at her through gritted teeth.

“Alright! By the way guys I’m a big fan of your music… and Nemi forever!” She winked over at Niall.

“Oh fuck off princess!” I shouted before running away from the table off to the bathrooms. I literally couldn’t get away from hate.

It was impossible! You date one damn guy and all of a sudden everyone hates you! I placed my shirt under the hand dryer and held it there. I heard the door open and looked up to see Izzy. “Hey.”

“Hey Zoe… you alright?”

“No… Izzy I’m so sick and tired of getting treated like shit everywhere I go just cause I dated the stupid bastard!” I shouted tears pricking my eyes.

“It’s alright… come here!” She pulled me into a hug and rocked me back and forth. “What happened to my little sassy Zoe that used to deal with hate using sarcasm, I liked her.” Izzy smirked at me.

“Hm, I think I can dig her out.” I winked at her.

“That’s more like it! Now let’s go girlie, remember I got your back!” She smiled grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the bathroom. I giggled as we walked back to the table and I sat down.

“Everything okay?” Liam asked and I nodded.

“Alright everyone ready to order?” Maggie asked taking out her pen.

“Uh yes! May I go first?” I asked batting my long eyelashes. I she nodded rudely and I started. “Okay I want the steak but it has to be cooked perfectly, only a little red and the ends a dark brown. Next I’ll have steamed green beans, not to steamed though! I want a baked potato but be careful the insode doesn’t turn brown. I’ll have French fries as well but crispy not burnt! Also for the house salad, no tomatoes or onions, no purple leaves and no cheese except for American.”  I said quickly and smirked at her as she wrote it all down quickly. “Got it?”

“Yes…” She huffed and everyone else ordered when she walked away I burst out into a laughing fit and I could see Izzy trying her best not to laugh.

“That was… great!” Zack laughed loudly clapping his hands together.

“I know!” Nathan and I said at the same time laughing hysterically.

“Oh my gosh…” Everyone laughed and as Maggie walked back in everyone fell silent.

“Uh… we have no more steamed green beans…” She told me gingerly.

“WHAT? THIS IS AN OUT RAGE! I COME TO A RESAURANT WITH MY LOVING FAMILY TO FIND OUT THERE IS NO STRING BEANS, STEAMED NONE THE LESS! I AM APPAULED!” I shouted dramatically standing up and slamming my fist on the table. “But whatevs… don’t even like them.” I shrugged winking at her. She gasped and turned on her heel leaving the room.

“Zoe I can’t even take you!” Izzy laughed covering her mouth.

“I love you Zoe oh my!” Louis grinned at me. “So proud of my little actress!”

“Thank you, thank you.” I bowed then took my seat. Conversation flowed easily and our food came with no problems.

“I’m stuffed! Let’s go home!” Zayn groaned sitting back in his seat.

We all agreed and got up. “I’ll pay!” Zack offered as we walked to the counter.

“No man it’s fine, I got it.” Niall told him flashing his a smile.

“No really I insist it’s the least I could do! You are letting us stay with you!” Zack laughed.

“Fine, but we will split it! It’s a lot…”


They paid and we all walked out back to the cars.




“Zoe come over here and give your brothers a cuddle!” Evan shouted as they all sat on one of the couches everyone else sprawled out around the room.

I giggled and ran over to them jumping on their laps.

“Oi!” Nathan groaned doubling over followed by the other two.

“Zoe you’re so damn bony!” Zack cried as he pushed me off causing me to roll onto the floor.

“Oh hey Loueh!” I laughed looking up at Louis who was sitting indian style on the floor.

“Hey babe!” He smiled waving at me.

“Alright sleeping arrangements?” Liam said grabbing everyone’s attentions

“Hm, well I’m in my room!” Louis and Zayn shouted. They jumped up and waved goodnight to everyone before going to their rooms.

“Okay well, I’ll take my room… Niall and Demi in your room?” Niall nodded and they both got up heading upstairs. “Harry and Bella can stay in Harry’s room and there’s two spare rooms!”

“Okay well Nathan and I will take a room!” I smiled up at my brother. “Twinsie!”

“That leaves me and Evan.” Zack said getting up.

“Alright perfect, well goodnight everyone!” Liam smiled before heading upstairs followed my Izzy and Harry.

“Hey Nathan… in the mood for some pranks tonight?” I whispered to him as we walked to our room.

“Oh yeah little squirt.” He smirked at me.

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