Chapter 11

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"Get your ass up we're going to get books!" Izzy shook me back and forth. It was 9 o'clock in the morning and I was about to strangle her.

"Bella come on." I heard Harry call.

"Get ready quick. Harry's driving us to go pick up all our books." She told me as I rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I sat down on the floor and leaned my head back on the wall. I shut my eyes and felt myself falling asleep again.

Bella's P.O.V.

"Zoe hurry up!" I yelled at the bathroom door. She has been in there for like 15 minutes. I tried to open the door but she locked it. After waiting another 5 she finally came out.

"Sorry fell asleep." She shrugged and gave me a sheepish smile.

"It doesn't matter come on now we want to get there early so it isn't crowded." She got dressed and me, her, Harry and Niall left. We got into the car and Harry started driving. The car ride was awkwardly quiet. I reached over and turned on the radio and give your heart a break by Demi Lovato came on.

"Hey Niall remember when all those rumors were going around about you and Demi?" Harry chuckled as he continued to drive. "You guys used to talk and skype all the time."

"Okay Harry." Niall groaned.

"Do you still talk to her? I mean it wasn't that long ago that this was all going on." Harry continued.

"Uhm no." Niall gave an unconvincing answer. I turned around and Zoe had her arms crossed looking at Niall.

"Never mind." Harry mumbled continuing down the road.

"So Zoe only a few more weeks to your birthday!" I tried to lighten the mood.

"Yeah can't wait." She said in a super sarcastic tone. Niall was texting away on his phone as usual… I just think he isn't sharing something.

"Uhm Bella where do you want us to wait?" Harry asked as he pulled into the parking lot.

"Just wait here we will go get our books and come out. Hopefully it won't take too long." Zoe and I got out and walked across the street to the college entrance. When we walked in there were tons of tables with different books. We would be starting in just two weeks! Zoe and I were sharing a room with one other girl. I was really excited but still nervous. We walked up to the language table and got all our text books. It was ridiculous… I had three text books just for language! How were we supposed to carry all these.

Harry's P.O.V.

Niall climbed into the front seat next to me. "Niall can I ask you something mate?"

"Yeah sure."

"Do you still talk to Demi?"

"Yeah…" He trailed off and looked out the window.

"As friends right?"

"Uh, sometimes."

"What do you mean SOMETIMES."

"I really like Zoe don't get me wrong. But she doesn't treat me like her boyfriend… Demi talks to me like I am."

"But Zoe is your girlfriend."

"I know she is. But I'm a cuddly kind of person she isn't… or at least she doesn't act like it."

"Well maybe she is shy."

"Shy my ass. Have you seen the things she has done?"

"Niall she was shit-faced every time… almost."

"I know but still… Demi is sweet and nice."

"But Niall that doesn't mean you talk to her while you are dating Zoe. That's not right."

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