Chapter 45

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“Zoe... Zoe!” I felt someone shaking me but I didn’t know who. “Zoe wake up!” I opened my eyes to see Niall staring at me worried. “Zoe are you alright? You were yelling, and moving around, and crying in your sleep….” Niall gushed checking me over.

“What… where…. Where’s Izzy!?” I asked shooting up in my bed.

“She’s downstairs with the rest of the boys…. It’s snowing out.” Niall smiled cheerily at me.

“Wait… it was a dream? There was no school shooting… and I didn’t get shot in the leg?” I gasped my eyes wide.

“Uh… none of that happened so yeah… I guess. You were scaring me with the way you were acting.” He whispered pulling me into a hug. I sighed and eased into his arms, it was all a dream.

“Sorry Ni… my dream was just really realistic… but snowing you say?” I smile perking up.

“Yes! Come on, I’ll show you!” He smiles dragging me from the bed all the way down the hall until we bumped into Liam.

“Woah Zoe, you look a mess!” He gasped and I stopped stepping back a bit to see in the mirror. As soon as I saw my reflection I darted into the bathroom washing my face. Much better.

“All good now?” Niall chuckled grabbing my hand. I nodded and ran ahead of him pulling him close behind.

“Woah!” I shrieked looking out the front window. Snow, snow and more snow everywhere!

“I know it’s beautiful.” Niall grinned walking up to the window and pressing his nose to the glass.

“Zoe, got some good news.” Izzy smiled as she walked into the room. I turned around and arched my eyebrow waiting for her to continue.

“No school or work for the rest of the week!” She squealed excitedly. I couldn’t believe it, thank goodness!

“Thank the lord!” I sighed dramatically as the rest of the boys ran in the room.

“Morning Zoe.” Louis smiled at me mischievously.

“Louis…” I replied narrowing my eyes at him. He just chuckled and walked over to me, pulling me into a hug.

“Ah I love you Zoey poo!” He cheered picking me up in the hug.

“Who wants pancakes!?” Liam shouted and everyone ran for the kitchen as Louis still held me in a tight hug.

“Uh I love you too boobear?” I giggled until I heard a door open. “Louis!” I squealed before I was thrown into the freezing snow. He quickly ran back inside and shut the door locking it. “Louis open this door, it’s cold!” I shouted as I watched him laugh on the other side of the window.

“Never!” He shouted before running off into the kitchen. I knocked and knocked but no one would answer the damn door! I was freezing, I only had on a pair of pj bottoms and a t-shirt.

“Niall!” I shouted pounding on the door over and over again. I was going to get sick… I just know it. I stepped back and rubbed my arms up and down in attempt to keep warm, Louis was going to die.

“Zoe?” Niall said as he looked out the window.

“No Oprah! Open the door!” I spat and he disappeared opening the door.

“Why were you out there? Louis said you were in the shower.” He chuckled.

“He put me out there.” I pouted looking up at Niall as my body shivered.

“It’s okay we’ll get him back.” Niall winked pulling me into a hug. “C’mon, go get changed into something warm you’re freezing.”

“Thank you captain obvious.” I giggled rolling my eyes as I ran up the stairs to my room.

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