Chapter 10

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Bella's P.O.V.

I woke up probably 2 hours later. I rolled over and Niall and Zoe were awake whispering about something because I could hear her faint giggles. I looked at Harry and saw he was still sleeping. I brushed a few curls out of the way and he opened his eyes slightly. "Hello." He whispered pulling me close squeezing me so I couldn't breathe.

"Harry I cannot breathe!" I giggled. He loosened his grip but not by much. I looked up at him and could see through my eyelashes that he was looking down.

"I think we should do something fun today." He said before sitting up in the bed.

"Like what?"

"Oh the waterpark!" Zoe shouted looking over at us.

"I like that idea!" Niall agreed with her.

"Okay then the water park it is!" We all got up and the boys went back in their room to tell the others.

"Bella… I mean Izzy… Which bathing suit should I wear?" She held up a white one and neon yellow one both really cute bikinis.

"Hmmm that is a tough decision… they're both really cute. Okay I'm going to go with the yellow one!" She seemed like she wanted that one all along and ran quickly into the bathroom to change. I on the other hand pulled out my blue and white striped bikini. I put that on with my white cover up on top and blue toms. I walked over to the mirror to check my hair and decided it would be best to just put it in a bun! Zoe walked out of the bathroom in her bikini with a white net cover up over top. We got all our towels and stuff and put it in a huge bag.

"Ready?" And with that we were out of the hotel room. We saw the boys waiting at the end of the hall by the elevator and skipped over there.

"Whose ready to have some fun!" Louis shouted as we entered the elevator. The elevator man who kicked Zoe, Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn out was in there giving them dirty looks.

"Excuse me sir, please do not shout." He said not even with a hint of emotion.

"I'm sorry… I'm just excited!" He yelled again.

"I am too!" Zoe chimed in along with the shout fest. As much as they hated each other they still had the most fun. I looked over at Harry as he was trying not to laugh at the two being extra obnoxious on this never ending elevator ride. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it as the doors opened revealing all the screaming girls and paparazzi. I can't believe these people sometime. Do they ever take a break?

"This way." Paul instructed us as we walked through the mass amount of people. Before we knew it we were in the back seat of the car. "Okay so the water park today was only allowing senior citizens in so we didn't find it necessary to have to have everyone leave."

"Oh Harry imagine all the pussy you will get today. Seems like your women are there." Louis winked turning around. Harry glared at him not at all amused but I was the one to burst out laughing. I guess it was a directioner thing.

"Louis I have a girlfriend." He looked over at me and smiled a big cheesy smile.

"So does that mean… Larry Stylinson is… over!" He started acting super dramatic while Harry just sat there staring at him.

"Oh no boo bear. I love you." Louis eyes lit up and he turned back around. The ride was really long and annoying between the 10 different conversations and the bickering between Louis and Zoe over who is riding the surfing ride first.

"Finally! Get me out of here!" I shouted falling over everyone in the seats in front. I was so happy to be out of that death van with the non-stop talking.

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