Chapter 9

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Harry's P.O.V.

"Harry wake up…" Someone was shaking me but I don't know who. I slowly rolled over to see Louis standing there with the biggest grin on his face.

"Louis what the hell do you want…. It's 3 in the morning!" I shouted sitting up to face him.

"I want to get Zoe back for punching m in the balls! I will not let her win." His became serious but once again a devious smile crept on his face.

"Okay so what are you going to do?" You see, Louis is the master of pranks. I've been pranked quite a few times by him and they have always been good so I am quite interested.

"Okay so you know how she is terrified of the ocean?" I nodded and gestured for him to continue. "Well I got a cd with ocean noises that I will put next to her bed and do it really loud so she thinks she is in the ocean. Then I was thinking of sticking he hand in warm water." He cocked his eyebrow and waited to see that I would say.

"Well I don't know… she is really scared of the ocean… maybe that's just a little too far. But the hand thing!" I gave him a thumbs up. He contorted his face and I could tell he was thinking.

"I don't think it is." He stood up and walked over to his nightstand.

"Louis… I wouldn't do it!" I warned him. If she didn't get him Niall certainly would.

"Don't worry about it." He picked up the CD player and swung his arm giving m the sign to follow. We went out into the hall over to their door.

"How are you going to get in?"

"I took this out of Bella's purse." He pulled out there key and stuck it in the door. He turned it quietly and carefully. "Go get a bowl and fill it with warm water." I did as he said and went into the kitchen. Oh this was such a bad idea well the ocean part I couldn't wait to see what happens with the water thing.

"Harry?" I heard a faint whisper from behind me. It was Bella and she looked confused.

"Oh uhm hi. Don't worry I'm just helping Louis get Zoe back. You know a prank?" Her eyes were slightly open and she gave me a little smile.

"Okay Harry I think I'm going to go back to bed." Was she sleep walking? Whatever it was it was cute, the way she swayed sleepily over to her bed and cuddled herself into the bed sheets.

"Okay Louis I got it." I walked over and handed the bowl to Louis. He placed her hand in it and turned on the CD. At first the noises were soft and sweet until he turned it up. A sound of a huge wave crashing and then he did something I was not expecting. He took a bowl of water and splashed it on her as the sound of the wave crashing played. This even startled Bella but not as much as Zoe. She woke up screaming and crying.

"What the hell?" Bella shouted looking over at us. I walked over and sat next to her on the bed.

"I knew this was a bad idea." I watched as Zoe continued to cry and shake. Louis just stood there not doing a thing.

"Louis Tomlinson if murder wasn't illegal I would kill you! Actually I could give to fucks I am going to kill you!" She shouted through her tears. She sprung up from the bed straight for Louis.

"Oh no…" Bella whispered. I pulled her into a hug as we watched Zoe chase Louis out of the room. I hope he wasn't going to our room because Niall would certainly help kill him.

"Come on we should help Louis." Bella said grabbing my hand and pulling me up from the bed. I watched them run down the hall… and straight into our room.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. We jogged over to our room and Zoe was chasing Louis around.

"Woah what's going on?" Liam said sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

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