Chapter 34

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“Liam and Niall?” A tall man with dark hair asked walking into the waiting room.

“Yes?” I asked quickly standing up.

“Your girlfriend is awake, the surgery went well.” He chuckled patting my shoulder.

“Uh she’s not my girlfriend actually…” I blushed my cheeks turning a bright red. I looked over at Liam who was trying his best not to laugh.

“Oh well that’s not what she said! Then again she’s a bit… loopy. We gave her some morphine too bring down the pain.” He shrugged laughing a bit. Oh… “Anyway you can go in and see her! She’s talking the nurses ears off, she’s something that on!”

“Yeah we know…” Liam laughed as we walked past the doctor thanking him. I shoved the big white door open and saw Zoe lying in the bed her bed with a bright orange cast on her arm.

“Hiya boys!” She shouted very loudly waving frantically at us.

“Uh hey Zoe…” I smiled sitting down in the chair beside her bed, Liam sitting next to me.

“We’re going to go now. You’re free to take her home when you’d like… good luck.” The nurses huffed quickly exiting the hospital room. Liam and I started laughing at how the nurses reacted to Zoe.

“Let’s go home, I want to bake cupcakes.” Zoe pouted getting up out of bed. “Ah!” She shrieked as her foot went on to the cold white floor. “My shoes, they’re gone…” She started to cry and Liam wrinkled his face into a confused expression.

“Zoe… Zoe it’s fine, they’re right here.” I laughed quietly picking up her shoes from under the chair and giving them to her.

“Thank goodness!” She smiled cheerfully slipping them on. She began to get up and walked closer to me standing in front of me. “Liam… why are there four of you?” She asked softly looking over at him and resting her hands on my shoulders.

“Alright Zoe… uh let’s go.” Liam shook his head and stood up. “I like your cast by the way.”

“Thanks you vewy vewy much!” She cooed giggling and bouncing around. She then stopped sharply and looked down at the cast. “Oh my gosh… my arm is broken?” She looked up at me new tears in her arms.

“Yes Zoe… but it’s alright, don’t cry. It’s all better now! They fixed it!” I shouted happily pushing her down the hall.

“Well that’s good thing! I need my arm, I need to eat!” She laughed and she walked straight into the wall. “I missed the door.” She pouted turning to me. “I’m tired.” She huffed changing topics quickly. “Carry me.”

Before I had time to protest she threw her arms around my neck and jumped up leaving me to catch her. I felt like I was carrying a little kid as she nuzzled her face into my neck. Liam just chuckled as he held the door open for me. I walked out of the hospital and we were swarmed by paps.

“Shush! Shush! She’s sleeping and she’s ill!” Liam shouted angrily as they all began to shout. Surprisingly they listened and backed off a bit the occasional flash going off here and there. Liam opened the back door for me and I climbed in with Zoe still in my lap. She really was tiny… and cute… and perfect, argh Niall you idiot!

The car started up slowly pulling off into the street. Zoe would mutter something here and there but nothing understandable. Although one thing surprised me…

“I love you Ni Ni…” She mumbled into my neck. My eyes widened an my shoulders stiffened. Niall don’t be silly… she doesn’t know what’s going on…

“Niall, Niall! Let’s go!” Liam laughed and I looked over seeing him standing with the door open. I carefully got out still holding a sleeping Zoe in my arms.

As we walked through the front door I saw boxes EVERYWHERE. “Surprise?” Bella giggled walking up to me. “Since you guys were gone way longer than we thought we went up to the college and got our stuff. How’s Zoe?”

“Good I guess. She was really loopy and now she’s just been sleeping.” I told Bella rubbing Zoe’s back lightly.

“Oh that’s good, glad to hear her arm is okay though.” Bella smiled before waltzing back over to Harry who was lugging boxes up the stairs. I walked into the empty living room and placed Zoe on the sofa before walking over to everyone else.

“Grab a box Ni!” Zayn said handing me a big heavy box. I groaned and walked up the stairs repeating this pattern about 50 times. We all sighed collapsing all around the guest room.

All of a sudden we heard a blood curdling scream that made us all jump up and sprint down the stairs.

“W-WHAT’S WRONG?!” I shouted nervously looking around to see a crying Zoe.

“I m-m-miss m-m-my b-brothers.” She cried folding into a ball. “And I can’t see my thumb!” She sobbed loudly. Louis let out a low chuckle and I slapped his chest glaring at him.

“Zoe… Your thumb is right here, look.” I smiled unfolding her thumb from her balled up fists.

“But my brother’s aren’t.” She whimpered looking up at me, eyes red.

“Aw Zoe…” I pouted pulling her into a hug and soon everyone was in a big giant group hug. “It’s okay… you can call them later.”

“Ok.” She whispered as everyone untangled themselves.

Zoe’s P.O.V.

Everyone untangled themselves from me and I sighed looking down at my cast. My head began to pound and it hurt so bad and shorty after a sharp pan tore through my arm. I ignore it and stood up walking with the others into the kitchen. The loopy stuff has worn off and I really wish it hadn’t…

“Sorry again Zoe.” Louis apologized giving me small hug.

“It’s fine Lou! I think I’ll still be able to get around tonight.” I winked and giggled as I pushed him away playfully.

“Oh that reminds me! No going out tonight.” Liam said sternly looking at the two of us. I looked over at everyone else and they nodded in agreement.

“WHAT!?” Louis and I shrieked at the same time.

“We can’t risk you tow getting in trouble! We go on tour soon again, and Zoe has XFactor, don’t want anything bad to happen.” Harry stated folding his arms across his chest. I looked over at Louis and gave him a subtle nod as to say go along with it.

“Fine…” Louis huffed slumping out of the kitchen. I looked over at Izzy and she had the ‘seriously Zoe don’t’ face on. I hopped out of the kitchen in search for Louis. As I walked down the hall I felt someone pull me into the closet.

“What th- Oh hey Louis!” I giggled as I stood face to face with him.

“Hey Zoe. Now listen we have to figure out a way to sn-“ He continued but I cut him off shaking my head.

“Louis I got it! Don’t worry about it! Jeez, be ready by eleven.” I whispered before exiting the closet swiftly and walking upstairs.

I couldn’t wait till tonight!

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