Chapter 6

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I was so overjoyed with the question I was speechless. I just nodded like an idiot over and over again.

"Awww!" Everyone in the room cooed. I looked over at some of the comments people were leaving.

Yay! Bella and Harry!

AW kiss!


Berry! You shall be called berry!


"To the girls tweeting about ducks. Yes we all love ducks!" Louis said laughing


"I don't know who you girls are but you're funny!" Eleanor said as she went and followed them.

"So now Bella and Harry are finally a couple!" Danielle said clapping her hands together. We stayed on twitcam for a little longer and then said our good bye's and signed off. Harry turned to me with a huge grin in his face.

"What?" I said giggling as he just sat there and stared at me.

"Nothing. You're just so beautiful." And he leaned in and gave me a kiss.

"Okay ladies and gentleman oh and Zoe…" Louis said before continuing. She threw a pillow hitting him right in the face.

"Anyway… what shall we do tonight? We have a concert tomorrow night so we should do something tonight." Louis said rubbing the area on his head where the pillow hit him.

"Let's go see a movie!" Zayn suggested. He pulled out his phone and looked up movie's and times. "How about the dictator? I heard it was funny." We all agreed with him and got ready. Me and Zoe went back to our room to get changed and grab some money and a purse. We met them downstairs in the lobby, me and Harry walked hand in hand out to the car. The movie theatre took pretty long to get to and I could hear Zoe and Niall playing I spy in the back like two little kids. We finally arrived and went in to get are tickets.

"Oh my gosh! You are Harry from One direction!" The girl behind the counter said. Harry just looked down and smiled.

"Yeah that's me. Can I have two tickets to the dictator?" He asked pulling out the money.

"Harry no, I'll pay for mine." I whispered to him pulling out my wallet.

"No your my girlfriend I pay for you." When he said that the girl behind the counter gave me the evil eye and I just smirked back at her. After we were done Zoe walked up and asked for a ticket.

"Make that two actually." Niall said bumping her out of the way with his hip. He handed the girl the money for the two tickets and grabbed Zoe's hand and walked away. She said not one word the entire time. Everyone else got their tickets and we walked into the theatre and took are seats. The movie was hilarious and I don't think we ever stopped laughing.

"So Zoe there was this one time I went fishing and caught a fish thiiiiis big." Niall said stretching his arm around her, this made her giggle and I could see her cheeks were red. Niall never asked her out yet but we just classified it as that, well the rest of us did but not them.

The movie ended and we all stopped and got a quick bite to eat and headed back to the hotel. When we got in the room Danielle fell back on the bed and ripped her heels off.

"Ugh my feet are killing me!" She said throwing her shoes across the room. It was pretty late and we were all tired. I laid down next to Harry and everyone was watching television. It was about a 11 o'clock now and Zoe got up off the chair she was sitting on.

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