Chapter 37

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“What!?” I freeze in my steps and look at Harry.

“What? It’s just my mum, she’s been dying to meet you babe.” He laughs pulling my arm.

“Harry… she won’t like me.” I pout as I continue to follow him.

“Yes she will trust me love.” I crawl into the passenger seat as he gets into the driver’s seat and pulls into the street. I sigh and lean my head against the window.

“But what if she doesn’t?” I huff. “I’m not the prettiest girl out there…” I mumble under my breath. All of a sudden the car stops and I look over at Harry.

“What did you just say?” He questions cocking his eyebrow.

“I said your mom won’t like me…. Because…  you could do better…” I whisper barely audible.

“What would make you think that!? You’re the prettiest most beautiful girl I know and the only girl I want.”

“That’s not what the fans on twitter say…” I whisper biting my lip.

“Bella… don listen to them, their nothing but jealous of you.” He reaches over and cups his hand over my cheek. I look up at him and he wipes away a few tears. “I love you and that’s all that really matters, okay?” I nod and smile slightly at him.

He turns back to his seat and continues driving. I realize he’s right… I love him and he loves me that’s it.

A few minutes later we pulled up in front of a cute little house. “Let’s go love.” I smiled and jumped out of the big Range Rover planting my small feet on the ground. I followed behind Harry pulling the sleeves of my shirt down to cover my hands. He pushed the wooden door open and let me in.

He walked down the hallway into a back room where I saw an older woman sitting. She looked just like Harry and very beautiful. “Mum!” Harry smiled and she turned around her face lighting up.

“Harry baby!” She jumped off the couch and ran over enveloping him in a hug. “And you must be Isabella!” She grinned looking over at me. I nodded my head an she ran over bringing me into a hug. “Harry talks about you all the time! Hm, you’re prettier than he described you.” I blushed crimson red and so did Harry.

We walked into the kitchen where Harry’s mom cooked for us. “So Harry tells me you two are going home for thanksgiving?” She asks looking up.

“Yes, we leave tonight!” I say excitedly.

“You must be ecstatic getting to go home!” She smiled at me and I nodded looking over at Harry.

“Yeah and Zoe and Niall are coming with us.” Harry tells his mom as he wipes his mouth.

“Oh really? They worked everything out?” She questioned. I’m guessing she heard all about everything.

“Yeah actually this morning… it was quite cute.” Harry laughs and tells her the story of what happened.

“Aw! You all must be buzzing then! Well you two have a safe flight and tell the boys I said hi.” She tells us as we get up. “Oh no dear I’ll clean up.” She tells me as I go to put my plate away.

“Oh okay, you sure?”

“Positive! You two go don’t want you to miss your flight. Harry call me when you land and it was nice meeting you Isabella.” She pulls us both into a hug before we leave.

“I told you she would like you!” Harry teases as we head back to the house. I stick my tongue out at him and leaned my head against the window.

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