Chapter 15

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I woke up really early the next morning and was starving. I slipped out of bed making sure not to wake Harry up and tip toed my way down the hall. When I got downstairs I looked through the cabinets for some food but there was nothing.

“Aha.” There was a bag of cereal in the back of the pantry. I pulled it out and took a bowl from the cabinet. Once I made my bowl of cereal I sat at the island. The house was so quiet… it was like I was the only one here.

“Hay Bella why you up so early?” Liam popped out from around the corner making me jump and spill my cereal. “Sorry didn’t mean to frighten you… didn’t pee yourself right?” I giggled and got up to get some napkins to clean the mess up. “So why are you up so early?”

“Couldn’t really sleep last night… and I was hungry.”

“Oh. Got something on your mind?”

“Not really…”

“Oh come on Bella tell me!”

“Fine well you see…” I took a big breath in. “My mom is comin out this weekend to visit and I don know if she will like Harry because when I used to like One Direction back home she would always say how she doesn’t really like him because he seems like a bad kid.” I sighed and sat back in my chair.

“Well maybe she will see he isn’t… after all she has never actually met him.” Liam gave me a comforting smile.

“I hope so… Anyway I have to get Zoe up so we can head back and get changed.” I stood up and put my bowl in the sink.

“Good luck.” Liam called as I walked up the stairs. As I was walking down the hall I saw Harry coming out of the room.

“Hey there you are.” He said smiling.

“I need to get Zoe up…. Want to help?” I looked up and smiled at him.

“No way!”

“Pwease Harry.” I pouted my lip and made my big blue eyes even bigger.

“Fine.” I smiled triumphantly and turned around slowly opening the door. “Aw look at them…” I cooed as me and Harry slowly and quietly walked into the room.

“Look at how she has all the blankets and he is just… there.” Harry laughed.

“Yes mom.” Zoe whispered in her sleep.

“Sleep talker huh?” Harry asked walking closer to me.

“You have no idea.” I laughed and walked over to the side of the bed. Zoe shifted in her sleep rolling over almost on top of Niall. “Come on. That’s cute.”

“I know it is.” I lightly shook Zoe’s arm. “Zoe get up… come on…”

“I don’t feel like it.” She brought the blanket over her head and wrapped herself tighter in it.

“You have to!” Niall started to wake up and was a bit startled by us being in his room.

“Hey guys?” He looked confused and still asleep.

“Hey Nialler.” Harry said a little too happy for this time of morning.

“Want to help us get her up?” I pointed over to Zoe who looked like she was wrapped in a cocoon. He looked down at her and just stared. He got up from his side and walked over to her side picking her up still in the blanket. “What are you doing?” I giggled as he walked out of the room.

“You will see.” He walked down the hall stopping at Louis room. He slowly opened the door revealing a still sleepy Louis. He walked over and placed her down on his bed as she still slept. “When she wakes up she will be so… I don’t even know but she will be awake. Now wait here.” He walked out of the room. I looked over at Harry and he was just as confused as me.

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