Chapter 35

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“Night Zoe!” Zoe said peeking into my room. I smiled back and said goodnight before she closed the door. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time, ten-thirty, perfect.

I walked over to my closet and pulled out a pair f leggings and threw on an old t-shirt. I sighed and sprawled out on me bed my eyes suddenly feeling heavy. I guess I could take a quick power nap…

“Zoe!” I heard someone whisper in my ear. I fluttered my eyes open to see Louis grinning down at me. “It’s eleven, let’s go.”

“Okay follow me.” I whispered as I hopped up out of bed. I slowly opened the door and made sure it didn’t squeak. “Louis.” I hissed at him as he was being way to slow for a sneak out! We slowly tip toed down the hall making our way down the stairs.

“Shit.” Louis muttered as we saw Zayn sitting in the living room with Niall watching television.

“I’ll distract them. Get the toilet paper and eggs than sneak out the side door. I’ll meet you on the side of the garage.” I told Louis and he nodded his head. I skipped down stairs and sat down next to Niall on the couch.

“Hey Zoe, couldn’t sleep?” Zayn asked looking over at me.

“Yeah this cast is so annoying to sleep with.” I sighed leaning my head back onto the couch. “What are you guys watching?”

“Well I’m going to try and sleep some more, night.” I waved them off as I walked to the front of the house slowly prying the front door open.  “Louis!” I smiled as I saw him holding everything.

“Hey Zoe! Thought you forgot about me!” He laughed handing me a thing of eggs. “Let’s go.”

We walked down the street further form our house looking for a good one to hit first. A few blocks away we saw a nice big house and decided this was our target. It had a huge willow tree, perfect for teepee and a large front window and porch, perfect for egging.

“We have to do the teepee first because the eggs make way more sound. Let’s go!” Louis grinned from ear to ear and handed me a roll of toilet paper. I giggled and ran to the other side of the tree and chucked the toilet paper up into it. It was a bit difficult with one arm, and since I broke my right arm and I was a righty it just made it that much harder.

As I finished it up I stepped back and looked back at the tree. WOW. It was everywhere! I started to laugh and Louis came over elbowing me in the side. “I think we did pretty well Zoey poo.” Louis chuckled handing me the box eggs with a mischievous grin on his face.

“Let’s do this.” I smirked and I started pelting eggs at the dark house. There were no cars in the driveway so we weren’t too worried. I went and chucked it at the big front window when I saw lights… oh no.

I slowly turned around and saw a cop car roll up in front of the house. “Louis.” I hissed quickly going over to him and hiding behind a bush as the cop walked up to the front door. A man opened it and they began talking.

“Yes there were kids just out here vandalizing my property! They just ran away as you pulled up!” The short man screamed in the cops face. I cupped my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing.

“Did you see their faces?” The officer asked shifting his weight from one foot to another.

“Uh it was a boy and a girl. The boy looked familiar and the girl had a bright orange cast on her arm.” The man spoke through gritted teeth.

“Okay I’m just going to have a look around.” The officer told the man and walked off the porch and started looking around the house.

“Shit…” I mumbled looking for a way out but there was none. “We just have to make a run and see how far we get.” I shrugged.

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