Chapter 27

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Everyone walked into the main hall where Niall and Demi were hanging up their coats.

“Nialler!” Liam squealed running and tackling him into a hug.

“Aye Liam, is Zoe’s brothers here yet? I’m terrified man!” He laughed into Liam’s shoulder. Zack coughed making Niall looked up. His eyes widened and I stifled my laughter a bit. “Woah… uh hey there big guy…” Niall whispered eyeing Zack up and down.

“Hey buddy.” Zack smiled crossing his arms. Everyone just stood there for a little while waiting to see what would happen next.

“Uh I’m Niall…” Niall smiled sheepishly extending his hand outward.

“Zack.” Zack shook Niall’s hand firmly and Niall brought his hand back giving it a shake.

“Man what a nap!” We heard Zoe yawn from the top of the stairs. “Oh.” She said looking down at us.

“Hey Zoe how was your nap?” Evan smiled trying to lighten the mood.

“It was good.” Nathan and Zoe replied at the same time.

“Oh shit!” Niall laughed causing everyone else to  laugh. “TWINS! DO IT AGAIN!”

“Do what again?” They both giggled once again at the same time.

“Oh my gosh this is magic.” Demi gasped looking from Nathan to Zoe.

“You people are nuts, I have to pee.” That time they said it at the same time and they even were mind blown.

“Guys… that’s so…. Awesome!” Harry shouted causing the room to erupt. Zoe rolled her eyes and walked down the hall to the bathroom as Nathan went to the other one.

“Uh Niall why don’t you and I go get to know each other in the other room?” Zack questioned Niall and Niall nodded as the two walked down the hall into one of the other rooms.

“Well…” I sighed leaning against Harry.

“Anyone up for some fuseball?” Louis laughed running out of the room.

Niall’s P.O.V.

I sat down on the couch across from Zack shaking my leg nervously. He took a deep breath and looked up at me. “You seem like a good kid…”

I looked at him waiting for him to continue. “My mom came home from this trip going on about Zoe had finally met a nice boy. A good boy. Not some scum bag pot smoking idiot. She was so happy, she told us Zoe actually looked happy for the first time in a while. I was thrilled, couldn’t wait to meet you so you could pass the big brother test.” He laughed and shook his head looking at the ground.

“I was just… happy for her. Yanno? Uh then she tells me you guys broke up… she talked to me… crying. Telling me everything, how she wanted to come home. Wanted to move back to where her family was. I told her she couldn’t, I knew she couldn’t do that because some idiot guy broke her heart… no offense dude.”

“No I deserved that.” I laughed dryly resting my head in my hands.

“She told me she went out for XFactor… she said she made it but didn’t want anyone else to know. When she talked about her singing her face lit up like it did when she talked about you, before she started crying that is.” He chuckled sitting up.  “Do you mind me asking why?”

“Uh no… basically I made a dick move and cheated on her. I kissed Demi while we were off in America. It was a bad decision…. I just got frustrated because she didn’t act like a girlfriend to me… you know what I mean?” I looked up at Zack his eyes concentrated on me.

“Mhm okay, well you need to understand, Zoe grew up around boys and only boys. She never had ‘girlfriends’, only us boys. She was never that gooey mushy type, she was very dry and to the point always. She has a special personality that takes a while to get used to. She’s one of those people you have to show what to do. If you acted like a boyfriend to her she should’ve acted like a girlfriend to you…” He cocked his eyebrow at me and I groaned.

He was right… what did I ever do to act like a good boyfriend? Nothing. I never made an effort to do anything with her. It was too late now… she was with Thomas… I mean and I was with Demi although that was hitting a rough patch.

“You’re so right…. So right… I’m a douche.” I laughed collapsing on the couch.

“Don’t worry about it man, I promise everything will work out. Be patient.” He wined and left the room leaving me sitting there with my thoughts.

Why was I always so damn confused… about love, an relationship shit. Maybe it’s cause I’m an idiot or because love sucks.

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