Chapter 3

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We ran out of the train station as fast as we could all the way down the street and around the corner.

"Well that was close." Niall said panting.

"Yeah short stack over here couldn't exactly keep up." Louis said poking Zoe in the face.

"I don't like you." She sneered at him flipping her hair.

"The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed!" I sang unleashing my fan girl.

"Oh so we have a fan over here?" Harry said winking at me.

"I guess so." I said blushing as everyone started staring at me.

"Well… Anyway why don't we head down to the fair and have some fun!" Liam shouted throwing his hands in the air. We walked down the street when we passed a newspaper stand.

'Do the boys of on direction have new lovers?' Harry read the headline of one of the biggest papers there. He continued reading the article.

The boys of one direction were seen leaving a London hot spot last night with two girls. Liam or as the fan say 'Daddy Direction' was seen trying to keep the drunken group under control. The two girls were American who seemed to get along quite well with Harry and Niall especially. One was seen riding on Niall's back as he attempted to climb a fence before Liam helped him down. Will these boy's party ways affect their work? Who are these mystery girls? , possible girlfriends perhaps.

"Wow so that's what happened last night." Niall said laughing. We hadn't really explained EVERYTHING to him.

"Pretty much." Liam said sighing and putting the paper back. "Simon will not be happy." We all kept walking down the street till we reached the fair. It was a massive place with rides, games and food.

"Sweet pie eating contest!" Niall screamed jumping up and down.

"So who wants to go on the rollercoaster?" Louis asked pointing to a huge roller coaster that had to have gone upside down at least ten times.

"Let's do it!" Zoe yelled in a rather strange voice which left us all laughing. Niall, Zoe, Liam, Louis and Zayn went on the roller coaster and Harry was nice enough to stay back with me.

"Let's go play some of those games! Maybe we will get lucky." He said winking and grabbing my hand. We walked over to a game where you had to throw the ball and knock down the cans and if you did you won a giant bear!

"Aw that bear is so cute!" I cooed pointing at the huge bear.

"Well let me win it for you." Harry said smiling at me.

"Good luck!" I said standing on my tippy toes giving him a kiss on the cheek. I saw his cheeks go red as I pulled away. He picked up the ball an completely missed the first time and I started to laugh.

"You are distracting me!" He said crossing his arms.

"Sorry didn't realize I was that distracting." I cocked one of my eyebrows and stepped back. He threw it again and this time he hit it knocking over all the cans. The guy handed him the bear and he turned around on his heel handing it to me and I gave it a big hug.

"What no hug for the special boy who won it for you!" He said holding his arms open. I walked up to him and gave him a big hug and he picked me up and spun me around. I laughed and we walked over to the exit of the rollercoaster where we saw a very dizzy Zoe walking off.

"That….was…awesome!" She said throwing her hands up in the air in a drunken fashion.

"Even though you puked." Niall said laughing.

"What she threw up!" I said laughing because she has done it before.

"Did not!" Zoe said punching Niall in the stomach. The rest of the day we kind of just walked around and we all entered the Pie eating contest and of course Niall was victorious. It got darker out and we decided to go watch the light parade, since it was dark no one really noticed the boys.

"I can't see!" Zoe said jumping up and down whining.

"It's cause you're a pipsqueak." Louis said shrugging and chuckling to himself.

"Here get on my shoulders!" Niall said bending down. Zoe hesitated at first but then hopped right on. Niall stood up and stumbled at first before balancing himself. "How is it up there love?" He said looking up.

"Just wonderful!" She said smiling and giggling. She was playing with his hair and braiding it and it was quite adorable. I held Harry's hand as we watched the parade floats go by and they looked absolutely incredible! The parade ended around 11 o'clock and we started to walk home.

"Hey Bella, get on my back!" Harry said bending down.

"Harry, no way!" I squealed.

"Get on!" He yelled grabbing my ankles. I saw Zoe get on Niall's back.

"Ready, set and go!" Louis screamed. We were off, I was bouncing on Harry's back holding on for dear life as him and Niall raced down the street. Me and Harry crossed the finish line!

"Yes we won!" Niall yelled jumping around.

"No Niall you guys lost." Zayn yelled running after us completely out of breath.

"No way!" Niall said laughing grabbing Zoe's hand and storming down the street. We followed them back to the hotel and took the elevator up. I never realized how pretty the hotel looked and the skyline of London looked from the glass elevator.

"Well this is our floor." Harry said holding his arm out leading me off the elevator. As I walked past him I got a smell of his musky cologne. We walked to my door and I opened it getting ready to walk in when I felt a warm hand grab my wrist. I turned around to meet Harry's big green eyes that sparkled having me mesmerized.

"Wait you forgot something." And before I could ask what he leaned in and kissed me leaving me speechless. "Goodnight Beautiful." He whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine before turning around and walked around to his own room winking before he walked in. I walked inside and plopped down on my bed. Zoe came in a little after and her face was completely red. She followed my actions and let out a sigh, a happy sigh.

"Moving to London, best idea ever." She said giggling looking over to meet my eyes.

"Definitely." I said agreeing. I stood up and walked to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I turned on the television and I fell asleep almost instantly. Who knows when Zoe fell asleep, she was on her laptop all night doing something about college. "This has been the best two days of my entire life." I said covering myself in my blankets.

"Tell me about it girl! Niall is so hot!" Zoe said letting out a dramatic sigh. "and Harry man! You are one lucky girl!" She said giggling.

I fell asleep for a while before I was woken up by a loud knock on the door. I turned over and opened my eyes and saw that it was 7 o'clock in the morning.

"Hello! Open up!" The voices yelled pounding on the door.

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