Chapter 24

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“Harry and Bella had sex!” I heard someone scream opening my eyes.

“They did! They did the dirty!” I sat up and saw the terrible two standing in the doorway. Zoe and Louis.

“We did not!” I said defending myself.

“Did too!” They said in unison sticking out their tongues. Harry stirred beside me waking up.

“What’s going on?” He asked in his sexy morning voice.

“You two had sex!” Louis shouted so the whole world to hear. Harry started cracking up.

“We did not.” He said between laughing.

“Uh you did too.” Zoe smirked crossing her arms.

“We did not! But if you don’t leave we will right now.” Harry smirked at me.

“I’m out!” They both threw their hands in the air and ran out of the room.

“I swear those two will be the death of me.” I giggled standing up and stretching. I started to walk towards the door when Harry said something.

“Wait so no sex?”

“Harry!” I squealed my face turning bright pink.

“Come on, let’s go get breakfast.” He laughed standing up and grabbing my hand. We walked down the hall only to be met by a flying pillow.

“You’re the idiot!” Zoe shouted throwing a pillow at someone. I walked further into the room to see the victim, Niall?

“Am not! Not my fault you can’t take a joke.” He yelled back dodging the pillow.

“I can take a damn joke but filling someone’s shoes with peanut butter when they’re allergic is not a joke!”

“How was I supposed to know you were allergic to peanut butter?” Niall said contorting his face.

“You just should! I’ve told you. Oh gosh I can already feel my throat swelling. I’m not even aloud to smell freaking peanut butter without having an allergic reaction. Bella!” Zoe screamed turning around. “Oh hey.”

“Uh hi… what’s going on?” I laughed walking over to her.

“Well I was just about to go for a walk and I picked up my shoes to put on and it was all sticky. So it had gotten on my hand when I picked up my shoes. Long story short I freaked out and accidently hit mtself in the mouth and now my tongue is swelling because of that asshole!” She looked over at Niall and he just rolled his eyes.

“Niall…” I groaned. “Zoe you’re so lucky I’m a prepared person.” I walked over to my purse and pulled out her allergy medicine exactly for situations like this. I handed her the pill and she walked into the kitchen to take it.

“My bad!” Niall laughed sinking down onto the couch. I just glared at him and walked away into the kitchen.

“Where’s Thomas?” I asked Zoe as I sat down on a stool.

“He’s still sleeping.”

“Oh, it’s like 10 o’clock.” I laughed picking up an apple.

“Yeah I know I was going to go wake him up.” She said before leaving the kitchen.

I sat there eating my apple when I saw the door open and Demi walk in.

“Good morning.” I smiled at her.

“Yep morning.” She smiled back.

“Are you hungry?” I asked her getting up to see what the boys had.

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