14. Avery

375 17 35

2260 words

*This chapter will be short and a little confusing, please pay close attention. Everything that is unclear now is meant to be that way, have patience my loves.*


'most of my life has been spent
with the two of us touching
skin to skin
our nights together
and sometimes our days
you carried me when my limbs refused to
when i was so sick i could not move
not once did you tire of my weight
not once did you complain
you've witnessed all my dreams
my sex
my writing
my weeping
every vulnerable act of my life
has been with you
the two of us knee-deep in laughter
and when i've been a fool to trust a fool
made love on top of you
left for days only to
return empty-handed
you always took me back
when sleep abandoned me
we lay awake together
you are the embrace of my life
my confessional
my altar
i went from a girl to a woman on top of you
and in the end
it will be you- old friend
delivering me to death well rested'

- Rupi Kaur, home body

"You're turn." I pulled his wrist, "let me heal you."

"There's no point. You'll only give me new ones."

I huffed, "you seem rather confident about that."

He leant over me the expression on his face enough to make the bravest warriors cave under his wrath. He pinned me back, setting off the all too familiar butterflies in my stomach. "Later. I have things to show you." He grinned a devilish grin.

"Like what?" I matched his energy, enjoying his enthusiasm.

"Come on." He passed me my wand as I pulled on my clothes and followed him down the stairs.

As soon as we got downstairs, into the cottages cosy living room a small owl began tapping violently on the window.

Draco let go of my wrist and I went to sit down on the sofa, watching his eyebrows knit together as he took the scroll from the owl and read the sender name on the scroll. The only part I could grasp from the sofa was 'URGENT, Auror Malfoy.' My heart flipped, if it was from his work it must be bad. He had specifically given a holiday notice.

He tore open the seal and pulled the thick parchment taught. His grasp on the scroll tightened and his eyes widened. He quickly shoved it down on the table and turned to me, "I have to go." He grunted as he began transfiguring his shirt and joggers into combat clothes.

I stood up to help him, transfiguring his shirt into a protective vest and accioed his work jacket. The rough black material scratching my palms as I passed it to him.

"What's happening?" I muttered as I patted the pockets and counted the small potion vials making sure everything he need was there. Healing potion, murtlap essence, and osculum est mortis loosely translated to kiss of death. Tears welled in my eyes, it had been many years since I'd prepared him to go into combat. Usually I would go with him, but due to Acantha I was still at home.

"They've found the base where the legilimens are being harvested for their blood." He muttered as he did the buttons on his black army style pants. "They need the best people in there." He spoke absently, he pulled a sharp army knife out of his pocket and wiped the glimmering blade on his shirt before dousing it in a potion that I was unfamiliar to.

"What's the potion?" I muttered as I passed him his hood.

"You don't want to know. These people are dangerous y/n. I don't have a choice."

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