18. the house on the hill

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"She's so tiny!" You exclaimed taking the little bundle in your arms. You looked over at Draco, his eyes were lit up in a way you've never seen before. You stared at the tiny human in your arms. She had big blue eyes with bleach blond hair just like Draco's. She was the spitting image of him.

"She looks just like you Draco." You said staring up at him. Before he could reply Florence and Pansy burst in.

"Girl or boy?" Florence questioned.

"Girl." Draco laughed.

"2 galleons Pansy. Pay up."

"Fine." She said pulling her purse out.

"You guys were betting?" You laughed gently.

"Oh, she looks exactly like you Draco!" Florence said bustling past him to the baby.

"Unlucky bugger." Draco muttered to himself.

You slapped him playfully round the face.

"You are very handsome." You said pulling his face to yours and kissing him lightly. His face had stubble his eyes dark with sleep. You realised neither of you have slept for atleast 24 hours.

You let out a loud yawn as the exhaustion began to take over your body.

Narcissia was fussing with the baby while whispering to Ada about the care.

Draco came and sat on the bed next to which made you wince. He saw this and stood up.

"S-still sore." You said adjusting yourself carefully for him to lay next to you.

"Try now." He sat down carefully next to you smiling when he saw you were ok.

"Y/n you and the baby can go home tomorrow afternoon, me and Narcissia are just talking over arrangements so don't panic." Your mother says brushing your hair out of your face. "We are going to let you three nap now."

She places the baby in Draco's arms and ushers everyone out of the room. Draco freezes for a second unsure what to do, a light in his eyes flicker and he springs back to life. The little baby wraps it's hand around his thumb.

"Y/n look at this!" He whispers.

"Malfoy, you've gone soft!" You say jokingly.

But he doesn't hear you, his eyes transfixed on the baby infront of him.

"Draco... we need some rest. Don't fall asleep with her!"

He nods, gently placing the baby in the cot next to the bed. All of a sudden the bed expans into a double.

"Magic." Draco winks.

He hugs you close but not too tight, appreciating all your body has been through the past few hours.

"Thank you." He whispers into your ear.

"What for?"

"For a child. Love you just made a fucking child and birthed it. I couldn't do that."

"Oh yeah... I did that." You say groggily.

"Yeah you did." He said carefully running his hands over your body.

"Draco, no. I'm tired. You said it yourself I just birthed a child. Keep your hands to yourself."

And so you fell asleep in his arms. This, in your mind, was your last night in peace. But was it really?

"Y/n... y/n! Wake up love." Draco said gently shaking you. "We're going to the house today."

You arrived at the top of a hill in Hogsmeade, the baby wrapped tight in your arms. You arrive outside a familiar house. It takes a second to click but you realise this is the house from your vision. Your stomach drops.

"What's wrong love?" Draco says, taking the baby out of your arms.

"Nothing." You responded, following Narcissia inside.

It was your dream house but the vision still nagged at you as you plastered on a fake smile.

The decorations inside the house were beautiful, each room had a different colour theme which you adored. You arrived outside yours and Draco's room which was red and silver.

The baby's room was purple and silver which you thought was perfect for her. The rooms were opposite eachother which made Draco raise his eyebrows.

"No need for the silentium charm then..."

You hit him playfully hoping to Merlin Narcissia didn't hear.

"Would you two like me to stay for a couple days while you settle? I really don't mind."

"Narcissia, we would love that! Thank you." You say hobbling over to hug her. The pain was getting better due to Ada's charms.

"You have an appointment with Ada in an hour. Be ready, she will come up to you."

"Hopefully she might be able to tell me when I can pin you against that wall again."Draco said, a little too loudly.

"Oi!" You said turning around and slapping him. He caught your wrist before you could do so, making you giggle as your brain flashed back to your first encounter with Draco.

Narcissia stood cradling the baby staring at the scene infront of her. "You two! I have ears remember!"

"Sorry, Mum." Draco laughed, his face flushed with embarrassment.

"Draco. Will you put the baby down while me and y/n have a chat?"

"Sure." Draco said, taking the baby out of Narcissias arms bringing it to his chest.

"Narcissia what happened to you? Who attacked you?"

"Yaxley and his friends... they think Lucius has something of you know who's, before you know it he will be going after Draco. Be cautious."

"We will. We are in Hogsmeade, it couldn't be safer."

There was a knock at the door.

"Oh that's Ada. Go get Draco and go to your room, I'll send her up."

"Thank you Narcissia."

You stumble back to the room occasionally holding on to the door for support. Hopefully Ada can help with that. You missed Dracos touch, you'd never been so long without it.

"Y/n! Let me help." Draco said, helping you back to your room.

You both sat on the satin sheets waiting for Ada.

"Hey, you two!" She said popping her head around the door.

"How's the pain?"

"Better. Still having to be carried everywhere." You said glaring up at Draco.

"Hmmm." He mumbled sarcastically.

"You and I both know you love it." You said stroking his chin.

"Well... I have a few more precautions to take but after today you two should be back to normal."

"You mean..." you say looking from her to Draco.


"How? For muggles it takes weeks!"

"But we're not muggles are we? You should have learnt that by now."

"Thank Merlin... I miss you." You mutter into his shoulder.

"I'm right he-... oh." He chuckled.

Ada cast her healing charms and you felt all the pain leave your body.

"Enjoy." She laughed, shaking Draco's hand and making her exit.

You immediately looked at Draco.

"That means!" You say staring at him.

"Mhm." He says biting his lip.

As always, don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this story. Until the next time...

Yours truly

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