11. we have to face this

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Another morning wrapped in Draco's arms. Another morning in heaven.

You got dressed and ready for the day. You were both dreading it. The rumours, the explaining your pregnancy. Just the thought made you sweat and Draco could see this.

"Love, if you're this stressed maybe you shouldn't come."

"I have to. I have to face this. We have to face this."

You pull him into a tight hug smelling his cologne. He placed a kiss on your forehead.

"We've got this ok. If people ask we have no comment. Not yet. Are you going to tell your friends today?"

"Yes. I know they can keep it a secret."

"As long as you are sure."

"I am. They need to know. It's only fair."

"You're going to be such a good mum y/n, I love you."

Before you could scream that you loved him back Blaise was tugging him out to the courtyards.

You entered the hall with Florence and Malika. The room went still. It was as if they already knew. As you walked past the benches whispers follow you, nipping harshly at your ears.

"Is that Draco's girlfriend?"

"I bet she's a good fuck if Draco is interested."

"He will only dump her on her ass."

"I heard she's pregnant. Apparently Draco was carrying her to Madam Pomfrey..."

"She missed classes all yesterday."

You walk faster to the Slytherin table slamming your fists on the wood the plates letting out a low rumble.

"What's got into you?" Pansy jeered.

"Probably the pregnancy hormones" Blaise laughed along with her.

The colour drained from your face. They saw this.

"You're not are you?" Pansy said, actually concerned. She could be a tease but you cared for each other really.

"Oh my God, she is!" Blaise grabs your wrist and takes you out to the hall your friends in pursuit.

"When- how? Who's? Are you ok y/n?"

You stood completely frozen infront of Blaise, Pansy, Florence and Malika. These were your friends, the people you trust the most and you couldn't speak.

"Yes." You say flatly. You slump against the wall so you're sat against it everyone else followed.

"Who?" Pansy asked gently.

"If I tell you, you must swear it goes no where else."

"Yes, yes we swear."

"No, no not like that I want us to do a swear spell."

A swear spell is similar to the unbreakable vow except when you break it, you don't die you live a life of complete misfortune. It sounds simple but it's worse than you think. One warlock had his broomstick explode for no reason except the swear spell.

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