20. blood in the water

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You sat in the bath the water surrounding your body. You looked at the time. 20 minutes till Narcissia returns. You wondered where you and the baby could stay tonight because it definitely wouldn't be with Draco. Maybe you could owl Mrs Weasley? Yes. That would be perfect.

You got out of the bath and opened the door. Draco was sat on the bed waiting for you. You thought he would speak and plead but he didn't. You pulled on a dress and began packing a bag. He still didn't move, his cheeks tear stained.

You walk downstairs your bag floating behind you, you had gathered the bits from the nursery now you just had to wait for Narcissia.

"We're back!" She said coming in with the baby. Her jaw dropped when she saw the blood on the floor.

"What happened?"

"Draco. I'm going to take the baby to the burrow for tonight. I can't face him."

"Y/n, did he hurt you purposely?"

"It's fine really, you know he can get a little rough."

"I understand. I will talk to him. Be careful out there, promise me?"

"I promise." You say taking the baby from her arms.

"Leave the baby here, you can trust me. Take a night off."

You hand her the child placing a kiss on it's forehead.

"Goodbye!" Narcissia called after you.

You step out onto the street and apparate straight to the burrow. You spent your childhood here, it was a second home. Walking up to the wooden door you gave it a tap.

"Oh y/n! Narcissia told me to expect you. What happened?"

"Draco just gets a little... rough."

"He wasn't abusing you, was he?"

"No, no. Nothing like that. I just need to be away from him while things calm down."

"If you want to tell someone, I'm happy to listen."

"Thank you, Molly."

"Come in! You must be freezing."

She made you a strong cup of tea and brought you a blanket.

"You can stay in the spare room tonight."

"I can't thank you enough."

"Of course! Your like family! How is your mother? Last I heard she was quite high in the ministry?"

"She's doing well! Really well."

"That's great."

"I don't think Draco would ever harm you sweetie, maybe you should talk to him?"

"But... what he did. I asked him to stop and he knew that I asked him to stop."

"People do strange things. You really should talk to him. I will apparate back with you."

"Yes, ok."

Draco POV.

Narcissia knocked on the door gently.

"Y/n?" He asked sitting up.

"No." She said walking in and sitting next to him. "What happened?"

"I hurt her mum. I didn't mean to. I would never do that on purpose, ever."

"I know you wouldn't." She said stroking his hair.

"Where did she go?"

"To the burrow."

Draco stood up immediately.

"Draco don't go after-"

But her words were cut short by a loud cracking sound from downstairs.

"Narcissia? Where are you?" A Male voice cooed. She grabbed her wand tightly and emerged down the stairs Draco in pursuit.


"Let's have something to eat then I will apparate you back to Hogsmeade, how's that?" Molly said spooning sausages onto your plate.

"Wow Molly! These taste brilliant for vegan sausages!"

"I know! Hermione's recipe, she's always finding something new.".

"Delicious! Draco is quite the cook too." Your stomach dropped as the words fell out your mouth. Molly placed a comforting hand on your arm before tucking into her own.

You sat there eating for about an hour, there was so much food and Mrs Weasley just kept piling your plate.

"Well I'm definitely full, thank you!" You said leaning backward on your chair.

"We will head over now. Are you ready?"

"Yes." You said taking her arm, your stomach in knots.

You whirled through the air, the pressure on your shoulders stronger than ever. She dropped you off at the top of the road giving you a kiss on your forehead before disappearing again.

You arrived outside the cottage the dark mark hanging heavy in the sky. You froze in fear.

"DRACO!" You screamed through the rain running into the door of the cottage.

You ran in and out of each room stopping at the dining room where Draco was on the floor covered in blood. You shook him awake but there was no response. You felt a heartbeat and sobbed in relief, giving him a kiss on the head, you ran through the house to check on the baby afraid for it's fate.

Until that day Hogsmeade had known complete peace. Until now.

You sat cradling the baby in your arms praying it would wake up, but no such thing happened. You screamed and prayed and begged but no God was willing to listen, your fate was decided.

The door opened behind you and there was Voldemort. You blinked hard. Your vision it was all coming true. Draco, the dark mark, Voldemort. It was all happening. Right now. You stood up and began to shoot spells at him, the man who murdered your father and your child but it was no use.

"Crucio." He whispered. The pain was blinding, worse than childbirth, worse than anything you've ever felt.

Drama. We have only just begun.

As always, don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this story. Until the next time...

Yours truly

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