6. In the night

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Because we're about to fall in deep here, here is a character refresher including some of the Zabini/ Parkinson kids who you haven't met just yet... on this subject should I make a spin-off with the kids? I have so many ideas for that, would y'all be interested?

The Malfoy's

Narcisssia Malfoy - Lucius Malfoy
Draco Malfoy - Y/n Malfoy
Emery Acantha

The Parkinson's

Pansy Parkinson - Lauren Castille
Robin Parkinson

The Zabini's

Florence Zabini - Blaise Zabini
Morgana Ambrose Kai Cordelia (lia)

The Kijo's

Malika Kijo
Evanora (evie)



Disclaimer: this chapter contains pain + blood kink, BDSM and knife play. if you are uncomfortable with these topics, please sit this one out.

The chapter starts off nice and sweet but aheh- just you wait dear reader. Just you fucking wait. Good luck.

This is literally just 5.2k words of pure smut, i- well. I got carried away.

I also didn't proof read it so again... good luck!

"We should go and get the kids." I panted, searching through the entrance hall for our discarded clothing.

"Have you seen my- thanks." I passed him his pants which were outside the door.

He pulled me by my waist into a kiss, "evening Mrs Malfoy."

"Why good evening Draco." I mocked, letting him spin me. He twirled me around and caught me pulling my forehead against his, "I love you."

"I love you too."

He lifted my leg up onto his hip and kissed me gently. I heard the room fill with music and he stepped back holding out his hand, "care to dance my love?"

I took his hand and bowed dramatically, he spun us in time to the music, the atmosphere was electric. I danced with him, his hands on my waist, careful not to step on his toes.

"You're better than I thought y/n." He laughed watching me step to the tune, "since when do you know how to waltz?"

"Florence..." I ducked under his arm, "...made us take classes." I panted.

"Well you're better than you were at our wedding." He tipped me back, his arms wrapping tight around my waist, I pulled him down to my level with the hand that wasn't clinging onto his arm for dear life.

"I wasn't that bad!" I panted against his lips.

He brought me back up and spun me again, "yes you were."


"I had to wear steel toed shoes!"

"No, I did alright! Admit it, you're jealous." I fell against his chest as the music got faster before spinning out of his grasp.

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