34. the anniversary pt.2 | 15k special

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3430 words

"Thank you for that Pansy, but we've got to get going." Draco said, standing up from the table.

"We will see you tomorow!" I called to the room. I heard scattered goodbyes from our friends as we slipped out the door.

"Go get a coat, we're going out."

I knew better than to question him and went to find a coat.

"And you might not want heels where we're going!" He yelled after me.

Curiosity filled me as I slipped on my trainers and transfigured my lace jacket to a black trench coat. I looked at the red dress that was on my body, I knew we weren't going out to talk. I transfigured the silk gown to a small lace lingerie style dress. He would love that. I fastened up the trench coat quickly when I heard his footsteps.

"Is this ok?"

"You look stunning." He cooed, kissing my nose. I caught him and pulled his hips against mine.

"Don't start that. Not yet." He chuckled before kissing my nose again.

"Not yet?" I laughed raising an eyebrow.

He smiled pulling me by my arm to the door, "we will talk about it later."

He led me out of the manor but instead of heading for the gates we took a left down a track. "Where are we going? You're not going to murder me now are you?"

"What?" He snorted. "You watch too many of those muggle shows!"

"Please tell me." I begged like a small child.

"You'll just have to wait and see!"

We kept walking down the small track for about ten minutes before I saw a small light, "where are we?" I gasped as the lights became brighter, on further focus I realised they were pixies.

"The Malfoy forest, I used to come here as a child for an escape."

"It's gorgeous!" I exclaimed staring at the trees which were covered in ivy and Roses, it was like being in a fairy tale. "Look at those Roses! I didn't know they could be black."

"Really?" He said picking one from the foliage. "Come here."

He moved my hair and placed the Rose behind my ear, "matches your outfit!"

"You've gone soft Malfoy." I muttered.

I placed my forehead against his for a sweet moment before he tugged my arm again, "we're not there yet!"

We kept moving through the forest, pixies lighting the whole way, we made a stop outside a little gate which Draco opened before telling me to close my eyes. I did and followed him blindly.

"Open them."

I gasped at the scene infront of me, fairy lights were strung up across the trees and Roses scattered the ground. A picnic blanket and some pillows sat in the centre along with a small picnic basket. "You did this for me?" I whispered leaning into his chest.

"Of course. Who else?"

I turned around and kissed him hard making him stumble back in suprise, but after a second he warmed up and wrapped his arms round my waist.

"Dessert is in the basket, if you want that now or..."

I went to sit down on the picnic blanket but was suprised when I felt not the ground but a mattress-y type material. "You charmed it... good idea. That's alot more comfy than the ground." I laughed.

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