3. turn back time

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Just me who can near the title in Cher's voice? Just me... yeah thought so.

1457 words

"Granger will be here." Draco mumbled, wrapping a sheet around his waist.

"My head hurts like fuck, why does my head hurt?"

"Because you went and got yourself pissed in the wine cellar. Try standing up, that'll hurt too."

I took a deep breath before asking a question I knew I didn't want the answer to, "and why would alcohol make it hurt to stand up. What the fuck did we do..."

"Do you really want the answer to that?" He laughed as he pulled a shirt, which was hanging on one of the dining room chairs, over his head.

"Yeah I would like to know why I just woke up naked on the kitchen countertop."

"You just went a bit too far with the celebrating." He laughed, making up a pot of coffee.

"Can you find my clothes?"

"Part of it is in the parlour on the floor. Where you left them. Your dress is in the wine cellar."

"Why would my dress- fucking hell."

I tried to stand up and immediately my legs betrayed me, "yeah... you might not want to do that. We had quite the reunion."

"Come and help me please." I whimpered, clinging onto the kitchen table.

I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist and I was lifted back onto the countertop.

He pulled his shirt off and transfigured it into a long lace dress, "there. Don't say I don't do anything nice for you."

"Thank you." I kissed his cheek, "and you have good taste. This is quite a nice dress."

"I know I do. I married you."

"Fuck off. Don't get cheesy. Since when are you cheesy?"

"Shut. Up." He sneered, pressing his lips quickly against mine. I leant back on the countertop narrowly avoiding my head coming in contact with the cupboards as he wrestled me on top of it. His lips came down to my bare chest nipping and sucking.

"This is really... unsanitary." I gasped.

"She's right." Hermione Grangers voice came, "you probably shouldn't be doing that there."

"Fucking hell Granger." We muttered simultaneously.

I grasped the dress around my body and sat up quickly banging my head on the cupboard. Great. He wrapped himself around me covering me up.

"Could you give us a minute please?" I laughed.

"Yeah, which way is your parlour?"

Draco shot me a quick look. Half my clothing was still spread across that room.

"Maybe the living room would be better?" He smiled. "Second door on the right."

"Right." She smiled, her eyes darting between us knowingly. "I'll see you in there."

"You're bleeding, did you bang your head?"

I nodded.

"Here." He ran his hand gently across the wound, "all better."

I pressed my forehead softly against his and wrapped my arms around his waist, "thank you."

He kissed me quickly pushing me back against the cupboard, he bit my lips and slowly slipping his tounge into my mouth.

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