14. we can do this

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This is wrote in first person which is new for me, it will only be for this chapter don't worry! I just wanted to experiment. I love y'all. A storm is brewing, I hope y'all brought your coats. This chapter is a short experimental filler.

Draco's POV.

I carried a sleeping y/n out of the infirmary careful not to wake her. We got many funny looks from other students but i ignored them and headed for the dorms.

I whispered the password and made my way into the commons.

"Dude why are you ca-" Blaise began. I put my finger to my lips to shush him and looked down at y/n asleep in my arms.

"Did something happen?" Blaise whispers.

I nod my head. "I will tell you later, she's ok." I pat him on the back and head up to the dorms. I open my door and lay her down on the bed taking in her beauty. She stirs a little and opens her eyes slowly.

"Hey." She mumbles.

"Hey." I reply.

Y/n's POV.

I opened my eyes to Draco looking at me, his eyes filled with love and concern. He must have carried me from the infirmary. I still ached from the weird charms that were inflicted on my body.

"Hey." I mumbled. It was all I could say.

"Hey." He mumbled back, sitting down at my side and brushing the hair out of my face. I leaned in and kissed him gently. Neither of us had the energy for anything else.

"Everything is going to be ok." He mumbled against my lips.

"I fucking love you Draco Malfoy." I whisper back. I lay down on the bed again Draco getting on top of me our noses touching. He stared at me before I pull his face close to mine and kiss him deeply feeling the stubble on his face rub against my skin.

"You haven't shaved!" I exclaim. Draco was always tidy and on point.

"I haven't had time you spaz! I've been with you two haven't I?"

I laugh and hit his chest playfully, reaching in to kiss him again our tounges intertwine slowly. He pulls away staring at the red marks on my face.

"Fucks sake!" He says pulling his wand out. 'radi'.

"Thank you." I say kissing his nose.

"Only for you."

I kiss him again his skin now smooth. The kisses get more passionate as our tounges dance graciously. I begin to slowly unbutton Draco's shirt.

"What are you doing?" He says slowly, staring at me.

"Stop complaining." I say pulling off his tie and throwing it over the bed.

In return he pulls my dress over my head leaving me in just a bra. He goes to take that off but I stop him.

"No more."

He tips his head to the side in confusion.

"I just wanted to feel you." I whisper in his ear, goosebumps forming on his pale skin.

I pull him off me and place my head onto his bare chest.

"We can do this." I whisper to him, playing with his hair.

"We can do this." He says in return.

As always, don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this story. Until the next time...

Yours truly

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