17. six months

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This chapter is sooo cliche, I'm really sorry... big developments are about to happen. I'm not gonna let it get boring I promise. Just be patient through the next two chapters and you will see things develop. You will want to kill me at first but then it gets good.

"This isn't good." Madame Pomfrey whispered as she cast charm after charm.

"What isn't good?" You said urgently, grabbing onto Florence and Pansy who were trying to comfort you.

"I need Draco. I need him now. Please."

"I will apparate to him. Everything is going to be ok." Pansy says running out of the infirmary.

"But Pansy! You don't know where he is!" Florence yelled after her.

"No. But I can find out!"

"How can this happen? I am barely six months!"

"Remeber child, magical blood and psyche blood is very different."

"I'm going to bring in a specialist from St.Mungos. Everything will be ok."

"People keep saying everything is going to be ok but they're not having their insides fucking rearranged." You murmured darkly.

Florence squeezed your hand as the pain rippled through your body again.

"I wonder... if you can channel with the baby...?"

"T-that's a g-FUCK...good idea."

"Well go on then. You should atleast be able to read the baby's aura."

All of a sudden there was a pop and a tall slender woman in a red coat appeared. (apparition in Hogwarts I know don't kill me.)

"Ah good evening Ada." Madame Pomfrey says greeting the young witch.

She radiated power, a red trench coat with matching gloves and hat. Her heels clicked along the paving slabs. She took out her wand and her clothes rearranged, now she was wearing a white lab coat. She looked very much like a muggle doctor.

"Ah Miss y/l/n, my name is Ada, Ada Carson." She shook your hand gently. "Madame Pomfrey has informed me of your situation. Have you tried channeling the baby? Even reading its aura?"

"That's just what I was about to do."

"Go ahead. Tell me what you feel."

You felt yourself connect with the child in your stomach its aura glowing blue.

"T-the child is sad. It's aura is blue..."

"Have you been through any traumatic events in the past two days?"

This made you chuckle to Ada's confusion. You stand up and begin pacing.

"Hm... let's see! My boyfriend's mother is severely injured, my baby is trying to tear my insides apart a baby who... don't forget I might be birthing today! Without it's father present which will tear him apart. I am having visions back and forth, oh guess what in one of them the father of my child dies!" You say with a fake enthusiasm.

All of a sudden you break down sobbing. Ada puts an arm around you and eases you back in to bed.

"Well. You must be having a hard time dear. Remember, everything happens for a reason."

"The baby will be in distress, we should think about inducing labour Madame." Ada says turning to Madame Pomfrey.

"I- i- I can't do this without Draco. I need Draco. Where is he?"

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