5. Yellow

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5240 words

As you can tell from the first picture I've been on pinterest again... oh dear lord. Then things I've found are not good for my imagination I'll tell you that. Credits to this brilliant artist (it's times like these I wish I could draw God dayum.) How Draco is in this picture all the chisled face shit- that's how I imagine him in this chapter.

To clarify this is the day Draco gets out of Azkaban but if y/n didn't get...with Blaise.


I sat the breakfast table dishing out food and helping Acantha pour lemon juice onto her pancakes. He was getting out today, just the thought made my heart swell and my spare hand absent mindedly tug on the small diamond necklace he gave me all those years ago.

"Mum what did Dad do to go to Azkaban?"

"He did a very bad thing, it's not my place to tell you what my love. When the time comes you will know."

She shot me a disappointed look, "ok."

"Can you go put that dress in, there will be alot of people trying to take your picture."

"Why do they do that?"

"Because Dad is very high up in the ministry and pictures of us can be worth thousands."

"Why... we're just like everyone else!"

"No Darling. We're not. Definitely not."

She looked at me with confusion, "your father is a very powerful man and I am a psyche... which means I see things other people can't."

"Am I one too?"

"You tell me."

I didn't know if she was psyche but there was always an element of something special about her, something that told you she wasn't like everyone else and that's not me being blinded by parental love and shit, everyone she met saw it... her aura just... shone. Thats why Draco loved her. I wondered if he would ever tell her he was a murderer.

"Daddy killed someone?"

When I tell you my heart fell out my arse, "where did you get that from?"

"I don't...When I looked at you I saw it."

"Tell me you're playing with me Darling, tell me it's a joke. Now." I stuttered.

He face fell, her blond hair cascading down her shoulders and her cheeks tinged pink. She batted her big blue eyes at me, "What did I do wrong?"

I wrapped my arm around her, "nothing." I whispered. "I'm going to picture a scene in my head, can you describe what you see to me?"

She nodded. I sat back trying to gather myself... there was no way. And why now? I pictured a forest filled with pine trees, the sun only just setting and pink hues spreading through the skyline.

"Pine trees." She muttered.

"How long have you been able to do this?"

She shook her head and turned back to her colouring book, dismissing the urgency in my voice as a mere overreaction.

I sat back in shock. Legimens ran in the family especially with Draco, but why this morning, when everything else was happening? What was fate trying to tell me. I'm aware I sound all hippy and shit but it's worth reading into these things. The universe has a plan for us, a gnarly plan, but a plan nonetheless.

"Don't worry about it Mum. I'm fine."

"Can you control it?"

"Not... really. When I look at people their thoughts just flash at me, sometimes it's helpful but sometimes I wish it wasn't there."

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