4. don't leave a mark

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"Y/n wait!" Draco called after me quickly shoving on a dressing gown. "Aren't we going to talk about this?!"

He followed me to my room where I shut the door on him leaning against it and falling to the floor in a heap.

So many emotions were spinning around my head. All I knew was that when Draco touched me it was like electric. Maybe he felt it too. I hoped to Merlin he did. No one had had ever kissed me the same. So dominant yet so gentle. A large lump grew in my stomach making me burst into tears, overwhelmed.

Draco put his palm on the door his insides churning as he heard me sob into my knees. I heard his breathing against the door. He cares doesn't he? 'Draco is so ridiculously complex' I thought to myself. One minute he's telling me I'm a brat and then that he's never met another girl like me. My brain spins into true panic as I start hyperventilating. My body is vibrating in flurries of panic worse then ever as I try to regain control of my nervous system. It's not working. My surroundings completely disappear all I can think about are those spinning thoughts. I felt a hand touch my hair and I looked up to see Draco looking very concerned reaching for my hand.
He wrapped his arms around my and whispers in my ear.

"It's ok y/n. I know you're confused... trust me I am too."

I sat up connecting with his pale blue eyes.

" o you really like me or am I just another girl?"

"I like you alright." Draco laughs breaking eye contact looking down at his feet.

"B-but how can this go on? We go back to Hogwarts in a week! What if your parents get on to us?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it love." He smiles while gently twisting my hair between his fingers.

I'd never seen this side of him, the caring and gentle side, and it made my heart melt everytime his pale blue eyes made contact with mine.

"The question is" Draco whispered. "Do you like me?"

"It's more than a like" I mumbled, blushing. I pulled his head close to mine, noses touching and we stayed like that feeling the energy pulsate around us. He gently placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Breathe... everything will be just fine" he whispered squeezing them gently.

I moved my face forward going in for a kiss but he stopped me, placing his forehead back on mine.

"Let's just stay like this for a while."

We wrap our arms around each other and sink into the hug.


Draco jumped and broke the hug.



We both emerged down the stairs myself slowly following after Draco.

Narcissia shoots us both a wink causing our stomachs to squirm with anxiety. Was she onto us? No bloody way.

"Where am I starting today?" I asked Narcissia who was sorting through a pile of papers.

"Somehow a gnome has found it's way into the garden. Would you mind showing it it's way back.... Draco you can help her!"

I smirked at Draco, he replied by raising his eyebrows making me burst out laughing. Narcissia, obviously confused, shook her head and returned to her papers.

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